Forum Discussion

hariharan24's avatar
10 years ago

VM restore without VC (Virtual Center)


In our environment VM backups are running based on VIP query rule and the Vcenter has been added as a Virtual Machine server in the credentials tab in NBU set-up (ESX credentials were not added)

Note: VCenter server is a VM (Virtual Machine)

So, if my VCenter server gets crashed - if i want to restore that VCenter server from (VC) VM backup, then how could i do it?

My VC is down, is it possible to restore the VM without VC?

I searched in Symantec sites - it seems there is a possibility of restoring the VM directly to ESX without VC., can you please tell me what are the steps to do that restore directly to ESX?


3 Replies

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  • My VCenter version is 5.x

    I had added the respective ESX host credentials in the NBU end

    In the VM restore console - What we need to give in the  VCenter tab?

    When i give NONE as VCenter and selected the respective ESX host., it is giving "System Call Failed" error.,

  • you need to configure the Restore ESX server in Netbackup 

    Define one Esx server that you would like to use for restore.

    get the user name and Password of the ESX server which can be use in netbackup

    add the ESX server as restore ESX server in netbackup 

    Netbackup GUI-> Credintials-> Virutal machine credentials --> new

    select Restore ESX server and provide the user name and password and get it added.


    this restore ESx server can only be used for restore, and when you trigger the restore you will have the option to select this ESX server to do the restore job.