VMhostname/displayname not matching up, errors backing up
Hi All,
I searched around for this and couldnt find anything that led me to resolution. I have 6 VMs that have a 'client name' in the policy view window (not 'new client' selection window) and in the activity monitor window, that is NOT the same as their hostname in the new client selection window (like when browsing the VMhosts for guests to add).
I think this could have something to do with reverse DNS, I have had some issues with that before, but none of the hostnames listed that are erroring out - are present on the reverse records of either DNS server.
I also have 2 that are listed as vmhostname 169.254.x.x addresses, and I have no idea why on that either. I can't figure out exactly which VM's are causing this issue becuase they dont have the same name listed when I go to the VM selection window.
I have had off and on issues like this and I want to get it all squashed and working properly. It looks like backing up via vmware display name could possibly get around this (we are very good about display names matching hostname) but I am not sure of what issues this could present.
Its pulling that information from vCenter, so I would guess the vmx file must have that information in it. Maybe the SQL server has 2 NIC's and the one has an IP and the other not. The order of binding might be incorrect so the 169 is listed instead of the correct one. Look at vcenter and the configs of the vm's.
NBU does not generate the info.