Forum Discussion

rsamora's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

VMware backing up Windows Cluster

I found a couple of entries on this topic but they were from 2011.  Is anyone using VMware backups to backup a Windows cluster?  My client based policies backup C: and System State on the invidual nodes and ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES on the virtual node.  Do I have to configure different backups with VMware based backups?  Is it even possible?


My environment; NetBackup Enterprise Server on Windows Server 2012 R2.  I can get the version of VMware when my VMware dude comes in Monday but it's more than likely the latest and greatest.

Thanks in advance with any successes, failures, headaches, heartaches, and/or disappointments you may have experienced with this topic.


4 Replies

  • If there any RDM based LUNs/volumes in the cluster, then unfortunately, they cannot be backed-up using VM backups.  Sadly, it's a VMware VDDK/VADP limitation.

  • But you can always back the RDM using in guest Netbackup client.

    So a possible way would be in case of an RDM is in place

    1. VMware based backup of the nodes with ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES

    2. In Guest Netbackup backup for the RDM drives.

    You will have to make sure that the full recovery of application would be possible. You can decide it in this way.

    In case of Full VM recovery -

    1. Restore the VMs using VMware policy based backup.

    2. Make sure the application is consistent and then recover the RDM data which I would assume will be application data(as seen in most cases).


  • Thank you for your responses.  It appears that using ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES on the individual nodes is the way to go.