Forum Discussion

GRH's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Who do YOU consider a "Thought Leader"?

 Channel Web ( recently posted it "25 Technology Thought Leaders for 2010." In this article, Channel Web introduces the IT world to 25 leaders it calls "visionaries boldly taking us into the future with cutting edge technology ...." 

Screen shot 2010-01-25 at 2.21.50 PM.png
One of Symantec's own made it onto this prestigious list. Dr. Mark Bergman, Symantec's Executive Vice President and CTO, is among the 25. As posted on Channel Web: "When Bregman testified before Congress last year, he urged lawmakers to make sure the government collaborates more with the private sector on cybersecurity and cloud computing. Bregman's appearance before Congress is just one sign of his status as a thought leader driving new technology aimed at shutting the door on cybercriminals. He not only guides Symantec's investments in advanced research and the company's development centers in India and China, he also leads the field technical enablement team charged with working with the sales team to assist customers in navigating the ever-changing security and storage technology landscape. Expect Bregman to make sure Symantec plays big in the cloud in 2010."

We'd like to know who makes your list? Who did Channel Web leave off that you deem worthy as a Thought Leader in IT? 

2 Replies

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  • I will disable comments on it and see if that makes it go away.

  • This article was interesting reading... more than a year ago. It is strange that it is still in "Can you solve this?" section. I wonder if there any way to marked as "solved" or other way to make it go to archive?