Forum Discussion

Trevor_Jackson1's avatar
15 years ago

Backup Reporter 6.6 - Licensing

Hi all you technological wizards!!!

We are having an issue with our licenses on our VBR installation. It is saying that we have exceeded our license amount. So we investigated and found it was counting more than the amount of active clients in our backup client list. Can someone please advise why?

Also, does anyone know of a way to exclude certain clients from the list, such as test servers, without removing them from policies and the client list? As it seems to be counting the server that are in policies, but not verifying if they are active.

I think I understand correctly that the polices with active un-expired data will be counted, but i'm unsure as to why else the client licenses on NBU and the VBR would not match? does it count the amount of VMWare servers in a farm, because if it does, then its not counted enough.

Very Confused....


4 Replies

  • We have 139 licenses and it says 156 in use. But we have 163 clients installed? so weird....
  • We have the same issue in our Netbackup environments.

    What I noticed is that VBR counts every clients that have been added to the backup masters including active or non-active. 
    -Certain clients can be excluded from reporting using filer on the reports. 


  • If you're using VBR for basic reports, and not long term trending, OpsCenter doesn't require a license key (only that you're current on maintance) and will allow you to report on 6.x environments
  • That the licensed amount & the license count are more informational. If your licenses are good for 300 clients, this won't impact collecting data from 400 clients. . . . so I've been told. (I haven't seen this casue us any issues whatsoever).