Forum Discussion

WarrenZA's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Netbackup and SCOM 2012 Monitoring

I was advised to post this here aswell:

With reguards to monitoring Netbackup with SCOM 2012. SCOM 2012 does not allow a windows server to be added as a network device like SCOM 2007. How are people getting around this limitation in order to monitor Netbackup Ops with SCOM 2012? The documentation seems to be a rewrite of the 2007 documentation not taking this limitation into account.

Please advise how we can proceed.


9 Replies

  • Tom

    Thanks for the response, however as I stated in my origional post, the steps outlined in the documentation are inorrect, as the section titled "Deploying the SCOM Management Pack for NetBackup" requires the Netbackup server to de discovered in SCOM as a network device in order for SCOM to receive SNMP Traps.

    This is something that worked in SCOM 2007 but is no longer possible in SCOM 2012. I would like someone to advise how they have got around this and made this solution work.

  • Has anyone been able to get this working? I'm seeing more and more posts about the same issue with no responses.

  • Warren, 

    I haven't seen any updates to the SCOM discovery from a NetBackup / OpsCenter perspective.

    Our most recent Technote, includes the SCOM 2007 Management Pack.. 

    Microsoft System Center Operations Manager Management Pack for NetBackup OpsCenter

    Which includes the PDF for 

    • Prerequisites
    • Installing / Configuring
    • Compiling 
    • Deployment
    • and Configuring OC for Alerting

    I have also included the PDF as an attachment to this post.


    As for SCOM 2012 Network Discovery, it appears they have improved functionality of this, and there are several Blog / TechNet / Microsoft posts regarding this... many of them mention Firewall related issues:

    UDP - ports 161 / 162 bi-directionally (needs to be opened)

    I have not tested this in a lab, but recommend reviewing all documentation... 

    If you are still unable to achieve positive results, please open a case with Symantec Support and potentially Microsoft support.


    If you have any questions, please let us know.




  • Hi Tom,

    Thank you for the response. The documentation which is the same for SCOM 2007 still says "Discover the Netbackup server as a Network device" as I stated in my origional post this is not possible due the way SCOM 2012 handles discovery of windows servers (it filters them out of network discovery). Which means that this method will no longer work. 

    The fact that I am seeing many posts in this regard and no one can confirm that they have got it to work is a concern.

    I've opened a case with Symantec to see what they say but I would still like to hear on the forums if anyone has successfully implimeted this.

  • Have you heard anything back from Symantec on this?  We have run into the same issue where we can't discover using SCOM 2012.  Thanks

  • There is a workaround for discovering Windows devices as Network Devices in SCOM 2012.  There's a link that explains this:

    Unfortunately, this doesn't help since the SCOM 2007 OpsCenter MP requires the subject Windows Server to be discovered as a "Legacy Network Device".     You can't discover new network devices in SCOM 2012 as "Legacy Devices", only under SCOM's new network device model.

    In short, the SCOM 2007 OpsCenter MP doesn't work, unless you rewrite the entire MP to use the new SCOM 2012 network device model.

    Symantec really needs to update this MP, IMO.    Even a simple update that doesn't change the function of the original MP, but changes the network device model would be helpful.