Forum Discussion

StarSister's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

OPscenter & reporting on server 'groups' ?

I do not have analytics. I require to find a way to create a common name theme between my servers to allow them to be reported in groups. The current naming conventions mean I have sets of servers th...
  • tom_sprouse's avatar
    12 years ago

    Create a Custom View...

    You can create a custom view to group them together within OpsCenter.

    You can create the view 1 of 2 ways... 

    View Java View Builder - see DOC

    or via the WebUI

     - Log into OpsCenter 

     - Click on Settings / Views / ADD

     - Set the View Type to Master Server

     - Provide a Name / Description of your View

     - Click OK to Save

     - Put a Check in the Box for the new view, and click Manage Nodes and Objects

    - Click on the Objects not in Selected View

    - Check each box for the master(s)  you want to group together, and click Add to Node

    - Click on the Objects on Node to verify the masters are now in the selected view

    - Click Finish

    Once your view is created, you can modifiy most reports to use the new Master Server View Created and report on data associated to only that / those master servers added.