Forum Discussion

Jim-90's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

OpsCenter Creating huge (8+GB) temp file in the Windows directory.

Found that OpsCenter ( created a ~8.3 GB C:\windows\temp\sqla0000.tmp file.  It was 10 days old and still had an OpsCenter process attached. When I bounced OC it disappeared.

This is an interedting location I would have expected it to use its own temp location plus site only the lower end of  the "enterprise" scale.

  • Found the fix its documented in I also increased the cache to help it a bit.  Found setting the SATMP environment var didn't work. 

    Found this refence very good for everything in server.conf file  <link>


    Most of this is undocumented in the OpsCenter manuals and technotes.  According the server log its Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 under the hood.

    In Opscenter there are three server.conf files you have to choose the correct one.  Its documented in the manual in the Increasing Chache Size section





5 Replies

  • Same version as yours but I don't see that file in my environment... could it be a clipboard (copy and paste something from OpsCenter?)  temp file?

    After you bounced OC, did the file reappear? 

  • It reappeared and currently 5 GB.  Unable to open or copy the file because of file lock(s).   OpsCenter is not installed on the C drive ....this is one for support to resolve.

  • Many times this file is created due to a query or complex report that was started then canceled. If you restart OC it starts the query again. You may need to manually kill the process to prevent it from starting again. It is the DBSQL process or something like that (I dont have an instance in front of me for the exact name). Check the task manager - it should be obvious. Try that and post if it doesnt work. As to where the file is being created, I believe that is a function of the underlying database and not sure if there is a way to change the default location but I can check if needed.

  • I passed this one to Support.  The real problem is OpsCenter is on a media server and last thing I want is to have it disabled if the C drive fills up.  The media server specs are in excess  required for this configuration.

  • Found the fix its documented in I also increased the cache to help it a bit.  Found setting the SATMP environment var didn't work. 

    Found this refence very good for everything in server.conf file  <link>


    Most of this is undocumented in the OpsCenter manuals and technotes.  According the server log its Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 under the hood.

    In Opscenter there are three server.conf files you have to choose the correct one.  Its documented in the manual in the Increasing Chache Size section