Forum Discussion

AlanTLR's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

OpsCenter Missing Data after Master Migration

We recently migrated our master server to new hardware (i.e., keeping the existing database and server name), but within OpsCenter, if I try to locate any data past the migration point, I don't get any data.  Is there any way to retrieve the older data?  We are currently running OpsCenter Analytics on a Solaris 10 X86_64 VM and the master is on a Solaris 11 X86_64 physical.

5 Replies

  • AlanTLR , how did you migrate to new hardware ? When you said data past the migration point , do you mean data prior to migration ? Migration process does not have any impact on the retention of data.Do you see data in Opscenter if you run any SQL uisng older reference point , eg, reteriving job data from domain_jobarchive for job id prior to migration ?



  • Hi,


    The master and OpsCenter maintain to separate databases so migrating, moving, turning off the master would have ZERO effect on the OpsCenter Server.


    Please share more details. Did you migrate OpsCenter as well?

  • We did not migrate OpsCenter; we did upgrade the OpsCenter server, but that was prior to the migration.  I believe the data is still somewhere within the database, but I just can't seem to find it.

  • Yes, data prior to migration is not accessible via the OpsCenter server.  I believe that the data is still somewhere within the database, I just can't seem to get to it.  I have not yet run SQL commands.

    EDIT/Update: I just ran the following SQL and no data prior to Sep 22, 2014 was returned.

      id as 'Job ID',
      clientName as 'Client',
      mediaServerName as 'Media Server',
      statusCode as 'Exit Status',
      UTCBigIntToNomTime(startTime) as 'Start Time',
      UTCBigIntToNomTime(endTime) as 'End Time',
      throughPut as 'Throughput'
    FROM domain_JobArchive;


  • Hmmm, there is a note about data loss ( ) but that would not be all of the data, just some of it.


    Try this


    select * from domain_MasterServer


    And lets see if there is not maybe 2 master server since your move.