Forum Discussion

Pinku's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Opscenter query to list configured reports

Hello Team,

Can anyone help me with opscenter query to list all configured reports. I need to run some clean-up with configured reports. Thanks for help.

  • Pinku,

    Check report_SavedReport table.

    Run select * from report_SavedReport . This will list all the saved report Ithas colums like reporttype ,reportviewtype, createdby , ispublic etc.

    reporttype   1 = canned,   2 = custom,  3=CustonSQL

    reportviewtype  0=Distribution, 1 = Tabular, 2=TimeLIne, 3=Ranking, 4=HTML

    For createdby , you can get the login id for the vaule increatedBy from the table security_User (select * from security_User).

    Hope this will help.



  • Pinku,

    Check report_SavedReport table.

    Run select * from report_SavedReport . This will list all the saved report Ithas colums like reporttype ,reportviewtype, createdby , ispublic etc.

    reporttype   1 = canned,   2 = custom,  3=CustonSQL

    reportviewtype  0=Distribution, 1 = Tabular, 2=TimeLIne, 3=Ranking, 4=HTML

    For createdby , you can get the login id for the vaule increatedBy from the table security_User (select * from security_User).

    Hope this will help.
