Forum Discussion

josho's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

OpsCenter Recover Report

I am trying to find the OpsCenter equivalent to the Netbackup 7.6.x Recoevery Report. The issues is I need a Recovery Report from Oct. 2015. My Netbackup > Reports > Vault Reports > Recovery  only goes back  ~30 days. 

I have looked through the OpsCenter 7.6.x report guide. The only references I can find are 


Backup Reports

The backup reports show the information that is related to backups, such as success rate, job status, and protected bytes.

This category also includes recovery reports.


Other references say to use the " OpsCenter > Risk Analysis > Client > RPO & Client Coverage " however these are not the reports I need..


So very specifically, my question is, does OpsCenter have an identical (or very similar) Recovery Report to Netbackup? 

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