Forum Discussion

TuxanForLife's avatar
12 years ago

Sybase SQL Anywhere client

Has anyone tried to install a Sybase SQL Anywhere client and query the Ops Center database directly? 

I have Ops Center with Analytics so I can run an SQL query from Ops Center, but I'd like to have a better interface for writing the queries. Once they're generating the data I want to see, I can copy the SQL to Ops Center and have it generate the pretty graphs, tables and charts. 

I imagine that it's not supported. And that it's dangerous - you can blow things up if you modify the schemas etc. 
But is it possible?  Is there a better way to do the same thing? 


Similarly, has anyone taken the XML files that seem to describe the database and run them through a database visualizer program? If so, which one do you recommend? I'm looking to see if "XML viewer" or "GraphViz" can do it. 

5 Replies

  • Yes, Tuxan, you can use Sybase Tools to access the database directly.

    Is it offically supported, no, and corrupting your database is a possiblity.

    With that being said, if you wish to perform this action, please look for your server.conf file under /opscenter/server/db/conf

    You must modify the LocalOnly entry to = NO instead of YES

    Then use sybase to open the ODBC connection to the OpsCenter host using server 


    Also, if you want to create a schema, please look at this Forum post....I have used it, and it has worked in the past. I have not tried 7.5


    OpsCenter 7.1 - database schema



  • Thank you, Tom. I'm excited to try.
    Step One - Verify the OpsCenter box is being backed up correctly. Otherwise - talk about ironic egg on one's face.  ;)


  • I used SchemaSpy to dump all tables in  our Ops Center 7.5 instance into a big multi-tabbed webpage.
    The attached file shows the tables, fields (including data types) and inter-table relationships - greatly simplifies writing reports.
    Four or five table graphics didn't render nicely (and we have some tables used for migration leftover), but the data is still good.

    Also, I saw some posts asking about database size and retention period. We believe that we maintain 730 days history in an environment that runs - 450k jobs in under 10GB of diskspace.