Forum Discussion

elanmbx's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

Upgrading OpsCenter to 7.0.1

 Trying to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.0.1.  Receiving the following error:


CPI ERROR V-9-0-0 Available free space in /opt/openv/ is 0 kbytes and it requires minimum 4263832 kbytes to upgrade

database. Please create required space and start installation again.


From the install log:


14:05:54  exec LANG=C /bin/df -k /opt/openv/ 2>&1
14:05:54  Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      10321208   3327668   6469252  34% /opt/openv
14:05:54  exit=0
14:05:54  exec LANG=C du -sk /opt/openv//OpsCenterServer/data/vxpmdb.db 2>&1
14:05:54  2131916       /opt/openv//OpsCenterServer/data/vxpmdb.db
14:05:54  exit=0
14:05:54  CPI ERROR V-9-0-0 Available free space in /opt/openv/ is 0 kbytes and it requires minimum 4263832 kbytes to upgrade
database. Please create required space and start installation again.
So as can be seen I have 6.5GB available in /opt/openv but the install is apparently misinterpreting that.  I *really* don't want to get into debugging the install script(s).  Has anyone had such an issue before?  I tried with the "-nospacecheck" option but that dumped the same error.
Has anyone run into this?  Any suggestions?
  • This is a known issue with OpsCenter and 7.0.1

    Workaround is to change line 20 of to: $CPI::PLAT{Linux}{DFKA}=”/bin/df –kP” .



    In case if it is any Non -Linux OS , please let me know .

2 Replies

  • This is a known issue with OpsCenter and 7.0.1

    Workaround is to change line 20 of to: $CPI::PLAT{Linux}{DFKA}=”/bin/df –kP” .



    In case if it is any Non -Linux OS , please let me know .

  • Thanks for the help - that's the solution Support used to fix this issue!