Forum Discussion

Rick80's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

upgrade Storage Foundation and VCS 4.1 to SFHA 6.X

HI All,

I'm going to upgrade my production environment with VXVM,VXFS and VCS 4.1.

My question are:

1) After upgrade to Solaris10 up11, it's possibile to remove all Veritas packages and reinstalling everything at version SFHA 6.1 (and recover vcs configuration)? Does it support?

2) I see from Admin Guide this extract:

Currently, only the Version 7, 8, 9, and 10 disk layouts can be created and mounted.
The Version 6 disk layout can be mounted, but only for upgrading to a supported

what does it mean?


Thanks in advance





4 Replies

  • Hi Rick,

    1) Yes, remove 4.1 and install 6.1 after upgrade Solaris to verion 10u11 is supported. Actually it's not  about support or not because this is a install action.

    You can check the upgrade path supported from the release note and installation guide of 6.1.

    Although there is a way to upgrade from 4.1 to 6.1: Upgrade the product to 5.0 MP3. Upgrade to 6.1. But it's too complecated and many steps. It's better to do fresh install 6.1, but configuration will be lost in this way. You need to manually fulfill the content of configuration files.

    Otherwise, follow the instructions of installation guide about upgrade.

    2) Verion 6 disk layout is for 4.1 and not support on 5.1 after. Mount for upgrade means it's could be mount during upgrade phase. And it's read only.

  • Thanks stin...

    I have checked the upgrade support, It seems only with two steps: upgrade to 5.0mp3 and after to 6.1.

    Do you have any procedures about remove and install manual packages?





  • Hi Rick,

    all the methods are documented in installation guide, refer below link for upgrade methods

    below link for fresh install methods



  • Hi Rick,

    If you are talking about uninstall 4.1 packages after upgrade Solaris to 10u11, you could try to run /opt/VRTS/install/uninstallsf. But I'm not sure if it will succeed because you have upgrade OS to a later version than SF 4.1 support.

    Installation steps are all listed in the installation guide.