Forum Discussion

alejandro-g's avatar
12 years ago

Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 -- hauser -update

Dear All, I  had added a new administrator user on vcs , like that, (#hauser -add clusteruser -pirv -Administrator ), but I cannot use the command (#hauser -update), because doesnt have that option...
  • Neeraj_Bhatia's avatar
    12 years ago

    Hi Alejandro,

    The hauser man page describes the available options for hauser.

    The section on Adding a User in the VCS Administrator's Guide provides the following information about adding users:


    To add a user

    1. Set the configuration to read/write mode:
      # haconf -makerw
    2. Add the user:
      # hauser -add user [-priv <Administrator|Operator> [-group 
    3. Enter a password when prompted.
    4. Reset the configuration to read-only:
      # haconf -dump -makero

    Here is some more information:

    Please let us know if you need additional information or clarifications.