need a solution on Veritas Storage foundation HA
Please suggest a disaster recovery plan for 1 Oracle Application and 1 Database Server from primary to secondary. I have dedicated bandwith between primary and the remote site
There is a need to replicate the ERP and users data to the remote server.
You need SFHA with HA/DR option (this lets you do GCO or RDC) and VVR license.
If you want to be able to do space optimised snapshots so you can do a firedrill at DR site, then you need SFHA Enterprise license, otherwise you can use SFHA Standard.
Is 1MBit/s enough, this is only about 450 MBytes an hour which as in previous posts needs to be divided by about 3 for Oracle data and with a small amount for VVR headers too, so this will probably allow for about 130MB an hour (about 30% of 450) for Oracle data.
You can download vradisor tool to help you with calculations, but I would guess there are also tools in Oracle to tell you how much is being written.
Note, in any of these calculations of write bandwidth, I would advise treating Oracle temp separately and not replicating temp volumes when configuring VVR. I have had customers where temp only constitutes about 2% in terms of space, but 50% to 90% of writes and in these instances it is important to exclude temp dbspaces.