Forum Discussion

mghomer's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Storage Foundation 3.2.542.0 error message

Hi all,


we have a veritas enterprise administrator runnning on windows 2003 server cluster running. Now i see an exclamation mark on some volumes and hd's.  If opne a volume and see one of the disks i see this alerts:

Warning V-76-58645-1000

Aler Propagated


Error V-76-58645-1080

Subdisk Detached

If i take a look on my SAN it seems that all HD's are ok.

At the moment I'm not really know what it means and what i have to do. Can anyone help me here?

Or i have just to reactivate the harddisks? or just du cluster turn to the other cluster node?


Thank you very much!



  • No errors from HBA driver or vxio errors in System log?

    You are not really giving us much to work with...

    The Yellow exclamation is a warning - normaly seen as a result of connectivity or I/O issue. I would expect some sort of evidence in Event Viewer logs.

    Extract from 5.1 admin guide:
    Warning. The yellow caution symbol indicates there is a potential problem but the system can still function normally.

    This is in line with what you are seeing - all data seem to be accessible.

    What seems weird is the fact that FIVE different harddisks are all showing internal name as disk1.

    If you can afford downtime on your cluster, please offline the cluster group, then try to manually deport and import diskgroup. See if that makes a difference.

    I am a bit hesitant to suggest too many 'remedial' actions because you are out of support...


11 Replies

  • thanks will do that now.

    one more thing, is it possible to see which of the disks which are mirrored  are at the moment active.

    I mean if i open one of the volumes i see two disks, so they are mirrored one of them should be active which is used by the user at the moment. But i can't find the active passive option.

    Because i would like to reactivate first the passive disk.

    or Im totaly wrong with my supposition?

    Thanks all