Forum Discussion

beautwaves's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Volume Status description vs Volume State in vxprint output

The Admin guide has a list of Volume Status descriptions but some of the listed statuses are not what they appear in vxprint output.
I have managed to simulate some States/Status but not all.

For example, for the "Healthy" status, vxprint output will show "ACTIVE".
Similarly for the "Degraded" status, vxprint output will simply show "-".
In the below output sample, "Failed" status is accurately shown as "Failed".

Diskgroup = OTL2K801-Dg0
v HarddiskVolume2 -            -
      8192     -        -
      -       -
v Volume       -            -
      16384    -        Failed
 -       -
v Volume2      -            ENABLED 14336    -        ACTIVE   -       -

Is there a tabulated list of vxprint output Volume State values vs Volume Status that you see on the VEA concole?
Or, what would be corresponding vxprint output Volume State values for Volume Status:
- Resynching
- Regenerating
- Formatting
- Missing
- Failing

I am trying to write something that will interpret the vxprint output so I need the above information.

Am I in the wrong place asking for such info?

  • I haven't tried all the states but using "vxvol volinfo" with or without -v switch does show Status as "Started, Degraded" when I kill 1 side of the mirrored volume.
    vxprint -vl (volume + verbose) doesn't even tell me such information. However, vxprint -l does tell me plex state "recoverable". Unfortunately, that's all it seems.

  • I'm just curious, is this Windows or Unix/Linux? If Windows, which version?

    vxprint in SFW is generally only used for printing out detailed VVR volume group information. (vxprint -VPl)
    I'm not 100% sure if all the fields are properly setup to work with Windows as vxprint is ported from SF Unix.

    Hence, I recommend you to use "vxvol volinfo" command to get a more accurate volume status information with SFW.

    Hope that helps. =)
  • hello, Jay, thanks for your comment...
    it is helpful to know that vxprint is not 100%... :)

    just to answer your questions, i'm using 5.1 on windows 2008 machines...

    i do use vxvol volinfo to get other info as well, so, ok, i'll look into using it more...

    many thanks again :_
  • After further R&D, it seems that non-100% vxprint Volume State is still more informative than vxvol Volume Status, which seems to be either Started or Stopped. I need to have access to more detailed volume status information, ie Failed, Failing, etc... So, I need to revisit the use of vxprint again.

    The Disk Status table in the SFW admin guide is pretty complete, although Status values listed are not exactly accurate. For example, Status Foreign shows up as "Foregn Owned" for MSDM disk & "Locked" for non-MSDM disks, etc. But at least the table listed many that were quite close to the actual output and I was able to simulate many anomaly scenarios.

    The Volume Status table in the SFW admin guide lists lots of status values as well. However, after finding the Degraded status showing up as "-" in the vxprint output, I wondered how the rest of the possible Status values will look like in real-life. I'm unable to simulate anomaly scenarios with our limited test systems.

    I was looking at Admin guides for Solaris/Aix, they both contain detailed lists of Volume, Plex, States (& descriptions) that are displayed in vxprint outputs associated descriptions. Is there similar info for Windows Volume & Plex?

  • Volume Manager on Windows seems to be light-years behind the Unix version.
    If I remember correctly, vxprint was only introduced in version 4.0 or 4.1. This command is still not covered in any SFW training, while the options and output are explained in detail in SF for Unix training.
    The SFW Admin Guide gives no information about output  - it merely covers the different options.
    Maybe you should post your request for detailed information under 'Ideas'.
  • I haven't tried all the states but using "vxvol volinfo" with or without -v switch does show Status as "Started, Degraded" when I kill 1 side of the mirrored volume.
    vxprint -vl (volume + verbose) doesn't even tell me such information. However, vxprint -l does tell me plex state "recoverable". Unfortunately, that's all it seems.

  • Thanks for the info, Marianne. I have posted this under "Ideas" as suggested. Hopefully, somethings comes out of it :)
  • Hi, Jay, you are right. I simulated again (earlier on, I just reviewed the previously obtained sets of outputs that weren't accurately documenting the associated scenarios) and confirm that the vxvol does produce more than just Started, Stopped. I have vxvol outputs showing "Started, Degraded" and "Failed".

    M:\vvm>vxvol -gMultiDiskGroup volinfo TestVolume3
    Volume information
        Name        :   TestVolume3 (I:)
        DeviceName  :   \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\MultiDiskGroup\TestVolume3
        DriveLetter :   I:
        Disk Group  :   MultiDiskGroup
        Size        :   3145728
        Boot        :   No
        System      :   No
        PageFile    :   No
        Type        :   Mirrored Concatenated
        Status      :   Started, Degraded
        Access      :   Read/Write
        Comment     :
    Name of the plex are...

    Plex 0: MultiDiskVolume-01
        Type    : Simple
        Status  : Attached
        Comment :
        SubDisk : Disk1-03
            DiskName : Harddisk1
            Comment  :
            TrackAligned : No

    Plex 1: MultiDiskVolume-02
        Type    : Simple
        Status  : Recoverable
        Comment :
        SubDisk : Disk2-02
            DiskName : Harddisk2
            Comment  :
            TrackAligned : No

    M:\vvvm>vxvol -gMultiDiskGroup volinfo TestVolume1
    Volume information
        Name        :   TestVolume1 (G:)
        DeviceName  :   \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\MultiDiskGroup\TestVolume1
        DriveLetter :   G:
        Disk Group  :   MultiDiskGroup
        Size        :   4194304
        Boot        :   No
        System      :   No
        PageFile    :   No
        Type        :   Concatenated
        Status      :   Failed
        Access      :   Read/Write
        Comment     :
    Name of the plex are...

    Plex 0: TestVolume1-01
        Type    : Simple
        Status  : Recoverable
        Comment :
        SubDisk : Disk1-01
            DiskName : Harddisk1
            Comment  :
            TrackAligned : No

    vxprint output for the above are:
    M:\vvm>vxprint -g MultiDiskGroup

    Diskgroup = MultiDiskGroup
    sd Disk1-01     TestVolume1-01   ENABLED  8192     0        -        -       -
    sd Disk1-02     TestVolume2-01   ENABLED  8192     0        -        -       -
    sd Disk1-03     MultiDiskVolume-01   ENABLED  6144     0        -        -       -
    sd Disk1-04     Volume1-01   ENABLED  8192     0        -        -       -
    sd Disk1-05     Volume2-01   ENABLED  14336    0        -        -       -
    sd Disk2-02     MultiDiskVolume-02   ENABLED  6144     0        -        -       -
    dm Harddisk1    Disk1        -        0        -        -        -       -
    dm Harddisk2    Disk2        -        8385867  -        -        -       -
    dg MultiDiskGroup MultiDiskGroup     -        -        -        -        -       -
    pl MultiDiskVolume-01 TestVolume3  -
          6144     -        Recoverable
    -       -
    pl MultiDiskVolume-02 TestVolume3  ENABLED  6144     -        ACTIVE   -       -
    v  TestVolume1  -            -
          8192     -        Failed
     -       -
    pl TestVolume1-01 TestVolume1  -
          8192     -        Recoverable
    -       -
    v  TestVolume2  -            -
          8192     -        Failed
     -       -
    pl TestVolume2-01 TestVolume2  -
          8192     -        Recoverable
    -       -
    v  TestVolume3  -            -
          6144     -        -
          -       -
    v  Volume1      -            -
          8192     -        Failed
     -       -
    pl Volume1-01   Volume1      -
          8192     -        Recoverable
    -       -
    v  Volume2      -            -
          14336    -        Failed
     -       -
    pl Volume2-01   Volume2      -
          14336    -        Recoverable
    -       -

    The outputs do show consistent info in different format for this scenario. I wonder how vxprint & vxvol outputs will show for other Statuses.
    - Resynching
    - Regenerating
    - Formatting
    - Missing
    - Failing