Forum Discussion

Oshikuru's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

All Veritas Packages Failed to Install


Im a newbie to veritas. I tried installing it to Solaris 11. 5.11 and got the following:


VRTSperl package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSvlic package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSspt package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSvxvm package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSaslapm package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSvxfs package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSfsadv package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSfssdk package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSdbed package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSodm package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSsfcpi61 package failed to install on ldom5
VRTSsfmh package failed to install on ldom5

I was able to do the installation just fine in Solaris 10 follwing similar steps. I'm sure its something simple if anyone can offer any advice, Thanks

  • Hello, Oracle Solaris 11 takes a new approach to lifecycle and package management to greatly simplify the process of managing system software helping to reduce the risk of operating system maintenance, including reducing unplanned and planned downtime. With Image Packaging System (IPS), administrators can install and update software from locally connected or remote software package repositories using a much-improved and modernized process. Please follow the below document Installation links: Script based: Manual: Thanks.

5 Replies

  • Hello, Oracle Solaris 11 takes a new approach to lifecycle and package management to greatly simplify the process of managing system software helping to reduce the risk of operating system maintenance, including reducing unplanned and planned downtime. With Image Packaging System (IPS), administrators can install and update software from locally connected or remote software package repositories using a much-improved and modernized process. Please follow the below document Installation links: Script based: Manual: Thanks.
  • It seems this is an attempt to install Storage Foundation, not Risk Advisor, right?

    Which version of SF are you trying to install?

    Have you confirmed that you have the correct installation binaries that matches the OS platform - SPARC or x86?

    Have you checked and confirmed compatibility and used the Pre-InstallationCheck option in installer menu?

    You may want to locate the Installation Guide and Compatibility Guides for your SF version over here: 

  • I did the pre installer with no problems. I am using the correcty version (SPARC). It is Storage Foundation. Did not mean to post this in Risk Advisor

  • We still don't know which version of SF you are trying to install....
    Have you had a look at Kapalin's post and the links?

    I have in the meantime moved this post to Storage Foundation forum.

  • As Marianne asked, Let us know the SF version you are trying to install, also give the exact steps you have executed.

    An install log which contains failures may be helpful as well.

