Forum Discussion

Kumaran's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

hastart post hastop -all -force disables NFS share on the vcs cluster



Had to do a hastop -all -force to make some config changes and restart a process. When I did hastart post the changes all was OK except the NFS share exported out through VCS SG went offline and had to manually restart it.

Any ideas?

This is a system I inherited where Share resource does not depend on NFS resource and NFS + NFSRestart resource have no dependencies within the service group. This I'm fixing right now but don't think if it has got to do anything with the hastop issue. I would have expected the share to stay on during the process

  • More info:

    After going through Symatec docs, I've now changed the config as follows and now on a "hastart" post a  "hastop -all -force", the share goes offline and almost after a minute, VCS restarts the NFS resource and then the Share resource. While the situation is better I still have a 1minute outage.

    Also, is NFSRestart a requirement if so, preonline requirements a must as well. I don't see NFSRestart adding any value if Lock failover is not enabled.

    This could be 5.1 version issue as I don't seem to hit this issue with 5.1Sp1



    group MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
            SystemList = { cluster01 = 0, cluster02 = 0 }
            AutoStartList = { cluster01, cluster02 }
            DiskGroup DG-MYAPP_DG (
                    DiskGroup = MYAPP_DG
            HTC HTC-MYAPP_DG (
                    Critical = 0
                    GroupName = MYAPP_DG
                    Instance @cluster01 = 4
                    Instance @cluster02 = 5
            IPMultiNIC IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
                    Address = "x.x.x.x"
                    NetMask = ""
                    MultiNICResName = MNIC_LAN
                    IfconfigTwice = 1
            Mount Mount-app-share (
                    MountPoint = "/app_share"
                    BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/MYAPP_DG/MYNFS_SHARE"
                    FSType = vxfs
                    MountOpt = "rw,suid,delaylog,largefiles,qio,ioerror=mwdisable"
                    FsckOpt = "-n"
            NFS NFS-MYNFS_SHARE (
            NFSRestart NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (
                    NFSRes = NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
            Proxy NICProxy-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
                    TargetResName = MNIC_LAN
            Share SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (
                    NFSRes = NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
                    PathName = "/app_share"
                    Options = "-o rw,root=client01.mydomain.local:client02.mydomain.local"
            DG-MYAPP_DG requires HTC-MYAPP_DG
            IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG requires NICProxy-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            Mount-radix-share requires DG-MYAPP_DG
            NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE requires IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE requires Mount-app-share
     // resource dependency tree
            //      group MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            //      {
            //      NFSRestart NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE
            //          {
            //          IPMultiNIC IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            //              {
            //              Proxy NICProxy-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            //              Share SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE
            //                  {
            //                  Mount Mount-app-share
            //                      {
            //                      DiskGroup DG-MYAPP_DG
            //                          {
            //                          HTC HTC-MYAPP_DG
            //                          }
            //                      }
            //                  NFS NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
            //                  }
            //              }
            //          }
            //      }

5 Replies

  • More info:

    After going through Symatec docs, I've now changed the config as follows and now on a "hastart" post a  "hastop -all -force", the share goes offline and almost after a minute, VCS restarts the NFS resource and then the Share resource. While the situation is better I still have a 1minute outage.

    Also, is NFSRestart a requirement if so, preonline requirements a must as well. I don't see NFSRestart adding any value if Lock failover is not enabled.

    This could be 5.1 version issue as I don't seem to hit this issue with 5.1Sp1



    group MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
            SystemList = { cluster01 = 0, cluster02 = 0 }
            AutoStartList = { cluster01, cluster02 }
            DiskGroup DG-MYAPP_DG (
                    DiskGroup = MYAPP_DG
            HTC HTC-MYAPP_DG (
                    Critical = 0
                    GroupName = MYAPP_DG
                    Instance @cluster01 = 4
                    Instance @cluster02 = 5
            IPMultiNIC IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
                    Address = "x.x.x.x"
                    NetMask = ""
                    MultiNICResName = MNIC_LAN
                    IfconfigTwice = 1
            Mount Mount-app-share (
                    MountPoint = "/app_share"
                    BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/MYAPP_DG/MYNFS_SHARE"
                    FSType = vxfs
                    MountOpt = "rw,suid,delaylog,largefiles,qio,ioerror=mwdisable"
                    FsckOpt = "-n"
            NFS NFS-MYNFS_SHARE (
            NFSRestart NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (
                    NFSRes = NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
            Proxy NICProxy-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
                    TargetResName = MNIC_LAN
            Share SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (
                    NFSRes = NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
                    PathName = "/app_share"
                    Options = "-o rw,root=client01.mydomain.local:client02.mydomain.local"
            DG-MYAPP_DG requires HTC-MYAPP_DG
            IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG requires NICProxy-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            Mount-radix-share requires DG-MYAPP_DG
            NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE requires IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE requires Mount-app-share
     // resource dependency tree
            //      group MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            //      {
            //      NFSRestart NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE
            //          {
            //          IPMultiNIC IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            //              {
            //              Proxy NICProxy-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            //              Share SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE
            //                  {
            //                  Mount Mount-app-share
            //                      {
            //                      DiskGroup DG-MYAPP_DG
            //                          {
            //                          HTC HTC-MYAPP_DG
            //                          }
            //                      }
            //                  NFS NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
            //                  }
            //              }
            //          }
            //      }
  • extract for the service group. (IP/Names changed)



    group MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
            SystemList = { cluster01 = 0, cluster02 = 0 }
            DiskGroup DG-MYAPP_DG (
                    DiskGroup = MYAPP_DG
            HTC HTC-MYAPP_DG (
                    Critical = 0
                    GroupName = MYAPP_DG
                    Instance @cluster01 = 4
                    Instance @cluster02 = 5
            IPMultiNIC IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (
                    Address = "x.x.x.x"
                    NetMask = ""
                    MultiNICResName = MNIC_LAN
                    IfconfigTwice = 1
            Mount Mount-app-share (
                    MountPoint = "/app_share"
                    BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/MYAPP_DG/MYNFS_SHARE"
                    FSType = vxfs
                    MountOpt = "rw,suid,delaylog,largefiles,qio,ioerror=mwdisable"
                    FsckOpt = "-n"
            NFS NFS-MYNFS_SHARE (
            NFSRestart NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (
                    Critical = 0
                    NFSRes = NFS-MYNFS_SHARE
            Share SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (
                    NFSRes = NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE
                    PathName = "/app_share"
                    Options = "rw=client01.mydomain.local:client02.mydomain.local"
            DG-MYAPP_DG requires HTC-MYAPPAPP_DG
            Mount-app-share requires DG-MYAPP_DG
            Mount-app-share requires IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG
            SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE requires Mount-app-share

    Solaris 10 U8

    VCS 5.1


    2012/01/12 15:23:51 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-16540 (cluster01) NFSRestart:NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE:open:The service group <MYNFS_SHARE_SG> has a NFSRestart resource and the PreOnline for this service group is disabled. You need to enable the PreOnline attribute for this service group by setting it to 1.
    2012/01/12 15:23:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource Mount-app-share (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:23:51 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group MYNFS_SHARE_SG on all nodes
    2012/01/12 15:23:52 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:23:52 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource NFS-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:23:52 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:23:52 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-4504 (cluster01) IPMultiNIC:IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG:monitor:MultiNICA MNIC_LAN not probed. Will go online after probe succeeds
    2012/01/12 15:23:54 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource DG-MYAPP_DG (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:23:54 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group MYNFS_SHARE_SG on all nodes
    2012/01/12 15:23:56 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource HTC-MYAPP_DG (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:23:56 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group MYNFS_SHARE_SG on all nodes
    2012/01/12 15:24:11 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-16540 (cluster02) NFSRestart:NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE:open:The service group <MYNFS_SHARE_SG> has a NFSRestart resource and the PreOnline for this service group is disabled. You need to enable the PreOnline attribute for this service group by setting it to 1.
    2012/01/12 15:24:11 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource Mount-app-share (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:12 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource NFS-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:12 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:12 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:12 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-4504 (cluster02) IPMultiNIC:IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG:monitor:MultiNICA MNIC_LAN not probed. Will go online after probe succeeds
    2012/01/12 15:24:13 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource HTC-MYAPP_DG (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:14 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource DG-MYAPP_DG (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:53 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:24:53 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group MYNFS_SHARE_SG on all nodes
    2012/01/12 15:24:53 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10438 Group MYNFS_SHARE_SG has been probed on system cluster01
    2012/01/12 15:24:53 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10435 Group MYNFS_SHARE_SG will not start automatically on System cluster01 as the system is not a part of AutoStartList attribute of the group.
    2012/01/12 15:25:13 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource IPMN-MYNFS_SHARE_SG (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is offline on cluster02 (First probe)
    2012/01/12 15:25:13 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10438 Group MYNFS_SHARE_SG has been probed on system cluster02
    2012/01/12 15:25:13 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10435 Group MYNFS_SHARE_SG will not start automatically on System cluster02 as the system is not a part of AutoStartList attribute of the group.
    2012/01/12 15:27:54 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User admin fired command: hares -online NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE  cluster01  from ::ffff:
    2012/01/12 15:27:54 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group MYNFS_SHARE_SG on all nodes
    2012/01/12 15:27:54 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) on System cluster01
    2012/01/12 15:28:03 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (cluster01) Resource(NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE): Output of the completed operation (online)
    2012/01/12 15:28:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource NFSRestart-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (VCS initiated)
    2012/01/12 15:28:10 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User admin fired command: hares -online SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE  cluster01  from ::ffff:
    2012/01/12 15:28:10 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group MYNFS_SHARE_SG on all nodes
    2012/01/12 15:28:10 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) on System cluster01
    2012/01/12 15:28:11 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource SHARE-MYNFS_SHARE (Owner: unknown, Group: MYNFS_SHARE_SG) is online on cluster01 (VCS initiated)
    2012/01/12 15:28:11 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10447 Group MYNFS_SHARE_SG is online on system cluster01
  • more info please.... OS version / VCS version ?

    Also, can u paste the snippet of engine_A.log from the time issue happened ..

