Forum Discussion

system_admin3's avatar
12 years ago

VCS with VxVM - newgroup is auto-disabled in cluster

Hi Guys,

new to Veritas World. trying to create and Active/passive on two node VCS cluster with VxVM. 

Installed SFCFS filesets on two AIX nodes. I have a shared disk of 5G on both nodes. I'm able to deport Diskgroup and import on second node and mount filesystem.

The error which I'm getting is -


# hagrp -online newgroup -sys tiefaphap603
VCS WARNING V-16-1-10159 Group newgroup is auto-disabled in cluster. This can happen if group is not probed on all alive nodes in group's SystemList or VCS engine is not running on all alive nodes in group's SystemList.
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
cluster tstcls (
        UserNames = { admin = bklJknKikEkqGfhFhh }
        ClusterAddress = ""
        Administrators = { admin }
system tiefaphap603 (
system tiefaphap604 (
group ClusterService (
        SystemList = { tiefaphap603 = 0, tiefaphap604 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { tiefaphap603, tiefaphap604 }
        OnlineRetryLimit = 3
        OnlineRetryInterval = 120
        IP webip (
                Device = en0
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""
        NIC csgnic (
                Device = en0
                NetworkHosts @tiefaphap603 = { "" }
                NetworkHosts @tiefaphap604 = { "" }
webip requires csgnic
        // resource dependency tree
        //      group ClusterService
        //      {
        //      IP webip
        //          {
        //          NIC csgnic
        //          }
        //      }
group newgroup (
        SystemList = { tiefaphap603 = 0, tiefaphap604 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { tiefaphap603 }
        DiskGroup data_dg (
                DiskGroup = clshareddg
        Mount mnt (
                MountPoint = "/clsfs02"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/clshareddg/clslv02"
                FSType = vxfs
        mnt requires data_dg
// resource dependency tree
        //      group newgroup
        //      {
        //      Mount mnt
        //          {
        //          DiskGroup data_dg
        //          }
        //      }
  • The reason is given in your post:

    This can happen if group is not probed on all alive nodes in group's SystemList or VCS engine is not running on all alive nodes in group's

    To determine exact issue, run "hastatus -sum" and check if the output:

    1. Shows any resources unprobed
    2. Shows both systems to be in a RUNNING state

    If you are unsure, please post output of "hastatus -sum"

    If a resource is unprobed, this means the monitor has failed on that system - if you are unsure why, please post  extract from /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log from when VCS started until you tried to online service group.




4 Replies

  • The reason is given in your post:

    This can happen if group is not probed on all alive nodes in group's SystemList or VCS engine is not running on all alive nodes in group's

    To determine exact issue, run "hastatus -sum" and check if the output:

    1. Shows any resources unprobed
    2. Shows both systems to be in a RUNNING state

    If you are unsure, please post output of "hastatus -sum"

    If a resource is unprobed, this means the monitor has failed on that system - if you are unsure why, please post  extract from /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log from when VCS started until you tried to online service group.




  • After all problem solved,like vcs daemon run on all nodes, all resources probed , you can clear that by:


    hagrp -autoenable <service_group> -sys <systemname>



  • If issue is solved then you won't need to run hagrp - autoenable as group will automatically be enabled.  You can run hagrp - autoenable if you want to ignore issue and still online the group.

    The autoenable is in place because if VCS cannot probe a resource on sys 2, say a diskgroup, then this means it does not know if the diskgroup is imported or not on sys2 and so if diskgroup was imported on sys2 and VCS onlined group on sys 1, then this could corrupt the storage, so if VCS does not know the state of a a resource on one system, it disables the online of the group on other systems,  If you know the resources are offlined on Sys 2 then you can run "hagrp -autoenable <service_group> -sys Sys2" and then you will be able to online the group on sys1.



    Thanks Mike for the solution.

    able to start the Service Group on one of the nodes.


    found new issues in log files of ping test getting failed for Virtual Interface. Its a bug and found technote for it. as per technote I have APAR already installed on my server.

    ll upgrade the servers to TL6 and see if I can get the err


    #oslevel -s


    #instfix -i -k IZ98197
      All filesets for IZ98197 were found.


    tail -f  /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log

    2013/04/24 16:57:50 VCS WARNING V-16-10011-5611 (tiefaphap603) NIC:csgnic:monitor:Second PingTest failed for Virtual Interface en0. Resource is OFFLINE
    2013/04/24 16:58:36 VCS WARNING V-16-10011-5611 (tiefaphap604) NIC:csgnic:monitor:Second PingTest failed for Virtual Interface en0. Resource is OFFLINE



    #hastatus -sum
    -- System               State                Frozen
    A  tiefaphap603         RUNNING              0
    A  tiefaphap604         RUNNING              0
    -- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State
    B  ClusterService  tiefaphap603         Y          N               OFFLINE|FAULTED
    B  ClusterService  tiefaphap604         Y          N               OFFLINE|FAULTED
    B  newgroup        tiefaphap603         Y          N               OFFLINE|FAULTED
    B  newgroup        tiefaphap604         Y          N               ONLINE
    -- Group           Type                 Resource             System
    D  ClusterService  NIC                  csgnic               tiefaphap603
    D  ClusterService  NIC                  csgnic               tiefaphap604
    D  newgroup        Mount                mnt                  tiefaphap603