Forum Discussion

khemmerl's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

How do I know which disks I'm using

I have a Sun SPARC server with 4 physical disks and fibre channel connections to 6 LUNs on my SAN (3 LUNs are for coordinator disks and 3 are 1TB data disks).  I just completed an installation of SFHA and created a disk group on the 3rd and 4th physical disks for a mirrored volume that was to hold the Oracle RDBMS binaries.

 /> vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
disk_0       auto:none       -            -            online invalid
disk_1       auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
disk_2       auto:cdsdisk    oraldisk1    oraldgbl02   online
disk_3       auto:cdsdisk    oraldisk2    oraldgbl02   online


My system administrator has just told me that I've corrupted one of the volumes containing the operating system such that he has to re-install the OS from DVD and all the work done over the past week is lost.  He mirrored two of the internal disks using ZFS and when he lists then he sees the following:

 /> zpool status
  pool: rpool
 state: DEGRADED
status: One or more devices could not be used because the label is missing or
        invalid.  Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue
        functioning in a degraded state.
action: Replace the device using 'zpool replace'.
 scrub: none requested

        NAME                         STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        rpool                        DEGRADED     0     0     0
          mirror-0                   DEGRADED     0     0     0
            c0t5000C5003973D783d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            c0t5000C5003976FA07d0s0  UNAVAIL      0   165     0  corrupted data


I've tried to match the disk info from the above zpool command to what Veritas is presenting but don't see any match even using "vxdisk -s list":

 /> vxdisk -s list
Disk:   disk_0
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig invalid
guid:   -
udid:   SEAGATE%5FST930003SSUN300G%5FDISKS%5F313131313733394857510000
site:    -
info:   format=none

Disk:   disk_1
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig noautoimport
guid:   {98c0bfb2-c84d-11e0-9c98-00c0dd1a82d8}
udid:   SEAGATE%5FST930003SSUN300G%5FDISKS%5F313131313733423032520000
site:    -
diskid: 1313529642.57.st31bbl02
dgname: oraldgbl02
dgid:   1313529587.54.st31bbl02
hostid: st31bbl02
info:   format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=2,privslice=2

Disk:   disk_2
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
guid:   {32dd93ea-d3de-11e0-a156-00c0dd1a82d8}
udid:   SEAGATE%5FST930003SSUN300G%5FDISKS%5F313131313733433932300000
site:    -
diskid: 1314801211.13.st31bbl02
dgname: oraldgbl02
dgid:   1314801507.16.st31bbl02
hostid: st31bbl02
info:   format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=2,privslice=2

Disk:   disk_3
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
guid:   {385f3076-d3de-11e0-a156-00c0dd1a82d8}
udid:   SEAGATE%5FST930003SSUN300G%5FDISKS%5F313131313733434558440000
site:    -
diskid: 1314801220.14.st31bbl02
dgname: oraldgbl02
dgid:   1314801507.16.st31bbl02
hostid: st31bbl02
info:   format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=2,privslice=2 


I've also tried to list the disks using the "format" command and can see the same lists listed there as are listed in the output of "zpool status".

  /> format
Searching for disks...done

       0. c0t5000C5003973D783d0 <SUN300G cyl 46873 alt 2 hd 20 sec 625>
       1. c0t5000C5003976FA07d0 <SEAGATE-ST930003SSUN300G-0B70 cyl 46873 alt 2 hd 20 sec 625>
       2. c0t5000C5003974518Bd0 <SEAGATE-ST930003SSUN300G-0B70 cyl 46873 alt 2 hd 20 sec 625>
       3. c0t5000C50039740113d0 <SEAGATE-ST930003SSUN300G-0B70 cyl 46873 alt 2 hd 20 sec 625>


So my question is this:  What command will generate output that shows which physical disk (c0t5000C5003976FA07d0) is being used by Veritas (disk_0).

Any help greatly appreciated.


  • Found the answer to my question (and the source of my problem.  You have to use "vxdisk list <disk>" to get the actual number.  I have confirmed that my sys admin is correct: I've screwed the OS disk:

    zpool status lists the OS disks as c0t5000C5003973D783d0s0 and c0t5000C5003976FA07d0s0.

    I used what Veritas reported as disk_2 and disk_3 believing that disk_0 and disk_1 were holding the OS.  Unfortunately, disk_2 reports as c0t5000C5003973D783d0s0 - the same disk that was supposed to be holding the OS.

    Damn.  I hate being screwed.

2 Replies

  • Found the answer to my question (and the source of my problem.  You have to use "vxdisk list <disk>" to get the actual number.  I have confirmed that my sys admin is correct: I've screwed the OS disk:

    zpool status lists the OS disks as c0t5000C5003973D783d0s0 and c0t5000C5003976FA07d0s0.

    I used what Veritas reported as disk_2 and disk_3 believing that disk_0 and disk_1 were holding the OS.  Unfortunately, disk_2 reports as c0t5000C5003973D783d0s0 - the same disk that was supposed to be holding the OS.

    Damn.  I hate being screwed.

  • Save this command for future reference:

    vxdisk -e list


    vxdisk -e -o alldgs list