Forum Discussion

lroucou's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Diskpool down, advanced disk using USB external disk


I have an issue with a customer. A diskpool is DOWN and we are not able to change the status to UP with nbdevconfig.
He has this issue since the external USB disk has been unplugged, stopped and plugged again.

we try both command without success :

nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -state UP
nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -state RESET

the nbdevquery :

C:\Users\adm_fch8>nbdevquery -listdv -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -U
Disk Pool Name      : DiskPoolName
Disk Type           : AdvancedDisk
Disk Volume Name    : J:\
Disk Media ID       : @aaaa2
Total Capacity (GB) : 2000
Free Space (GB)     : 1500
Use%                : 25
Status              : DOWN
Flag                : ReadOnWrite
Flag                : AdminDown
Flag                : InternalUp
Num Read Mounts     : 0
Num Write Mounts    : 1
Cur Read Streams    : 0
Cur Write Streams   : 0
Num Repl Sources    : 0
Num Repl Targets    : 0

Policy backup using this disk job get an error 2074

Media server version (Win Server 2008 R2)

Master version (Win Server 2008 R2)

I'm not sure how to do now, someone can help me please ?

Thank you.

  • Finally the disk came back UP.

    before the :
    nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -state UP

    we did a :
    nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -state DOWN.

    Then the status modification to UP worked fine !

    Also, i had the confirmation, USB external disk are no supported for AdvancedDisk, only for BasicDisk.

5 Replies

  • How about its storage server status?

    nbdevquery -liststs -stype AdvancedDisk  -U

    If it's down, check the connection to storage server and get it UP first, then only change for disk pool status.

  • Have you tried to restart NBU? NBU backup storage should never be disconnected while NBU is up and running.
  • @Irocou - all three layers need to be checked and UP.  'sts' storage server, 'dp' disk pool, 'dv' disk volume.

    So, so a -liststs, and -listbp, and -listdv to check status.

  • Finally the disk came back UP.

    before the :
    nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -state UP

    we did a :
    nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp DiskPoolName -state DOWN.

    Then the status modification to UP worked fine !

    Also, i had the confirmation, USB external disk are no supported for AdvancedDisk, only for BasicDisk.

  • Even Basic Disk will cause issues if removed with NBU up and running....