Forum Discussion

sujit_kumar_sin's avatar
14 years ago

how to create or convert the simple disk to CDS in vxVm base 3.5 on HPUX 11.23 as well as not able to vxmconvert on 4.1 , hpux 11.23 LVM Vgs

want to know if there is a way to convert the HPUX 11.23 Base VxVm 3.5 Disks from "simple" layout to "cdsdisk" keeping VxVM 3.5
i am successfully able to vxvmconvert of HPUX 11.23 VG to VxVM DG in VxVM 3.5 but not able to convert in VxVm 4.1, getting error as :"Convert this Volume Group? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)  y

Specify a name for the new VxVM disk group (default: dg011)
  VxVM  ERROR V-5-2-2210 c12t0d1 is a bootable device, but not root.
  Cannot Convert LVM Volume Group, vg011.
Hit RETURN to continue."

but this is a storage disk and in no way an LVM root disk. so i am not able to convert.
I ma new to this forum, any answers to both myquestions shall be helpful


  • So for sure, you won't be able to get CDS since you are on 3.5.....

    Also, did you do "Analyze LVM groups for conversion" when you ran vxvmconvert ? If yes, what was the result ?

    Secondly did you mean to say, that when you were at 4.1, that time also vxdisk list was not showing disks as auto:LVM ? 

    I doubt if 3.5 use to show it as auto:LVM  ..

    In your Itanium server where conversion was sucessful, did that had 3.5 or 4.1 ?  Did that server show disks as auto:LVM in "vxdisk list" ?

    I don't think there should be any difference with RISC or Itanium ... It should work same for both..

    you can find HCL at


6 Replies

  • Hello Sujit,

    so you have two different queries ... one on 3.5 VxVM (CDS conversion) & second on 4.1 (VG conversion), is that right ?

    When you say "convert the HPUX 11.23 Base VxVm 3.5 Disks from "simple" layout to "cdsdisk" keeping VxVM 3.5"  .. well VxVM 3.5 doesn't support CDS format disks.... CDS was started 4.0 onwards...

    Regarding the vxvmconvert on 4.1, as vxvm is detecting it  as a bootable device..... quite possible that disk PV contains some information which vxvm is looking as bootable.... does that disk contain any data ? is it possible to re write the headers (fresh PV) & check if you are able to convert the diskgroup ?


  • HI Gaurav,

    thanks for the response, VxVM CDS disks had been introduced by VxVM version 4.0.

    i had recreated the PVs again after doing pvcrerate -f /dev/rdsk/cXtYdZ and also before creating the LVM VG had done dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/cXtYdZ,

    also the fact that the vxdisk list does not show LVM disks as LVM disks.
    i have reverted back VxVM from 4.1 to 3.5, still that shows LVM disks as
    c0t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c2t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    that means this is not telling that disks belong to LVM which are my LVM root disks.
    i am running HPUX 11.23 on PA RISC on RP 8420, With Dec 2009 QPK patch bundles and feature Bundles and Licenses for VEriats are there. The STorage that these disks come from are Clariion.

    NEW:/root # vxlicrep
    VERITAS License Manager vxlicrep utility version 3.02.006
    Copyright (C) 1996-2004 VERITAS Software Corp. All Rights reserved.
    Creating a report on all VERITAS products installed on this system
       License Key                         = 01XXXX565XXXXX5115X465X9
       Product Name                        = VERITAS File System
       License Type                        = PERMANENT
       Site License                        = YES
     Features :=
       HP_OnlineJFS                        = Enabled

       License Key                         = KKKK-BBBB-XXXX-YYYY-4HSP-YYYY-P
       Product Name                        = VERITAS File System
       Serial Number                       = 1
       License Type                        = PERMANENT
       OEM ID                              = 4095
     Features :=
       HP_OnlineJFS                        = Enabled
       CPU Count                           = Not Restricted
       Platform                            = HP-UX
       Version                             = 3.5

    the VXdisk list shows are that:
    :NEW:/root # vxdisk list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    c0t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c2t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c4t0d0       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d0       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d0       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d3      simple    c10t0d3      rootdg       online
    c12t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d3      simple    -            -            online

    the Vgdisplay shows as:
    sdwhqdb1:NEW:/root # vgdisplay -v
    --- Volume groups ---
    VG Name                     /dev/vg00
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      8
    Open LV                     8
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      1
    Act PV                      1
    Max PE per PV               4479
    VGDA                        2
    PE Size (Mbytes)            64
    Total PE                    1093
    Alloc PE                    1093
    Free PE                     0
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0

       --- Logical volumes ---
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            1024
       Current LE                  16
       Allocated PE                16
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            8128
       Current LE                  127
       Allocated PE                127
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            15360
       Current LE                  240
       Allocated PE                240
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            4480
       Current LE                  70
       Allocated PE                70
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c2t6d0
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    1093
       Free PE                     0
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    VG Name                     /dev/vg02
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      0
    Open LV                     0
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      1
    Act PV                      1
    Max PE per PV               5119
    VGDA                        2
    PE Size (Mbytes)            4
    Total PE                    5119
    Alloc PE                    0
    Free PE                     5119
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c4t0d0
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    5119
       Free PE                     5119
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    :NEW:/root # vxdisk list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    c0t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c2t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c4t0d0       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d0       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d0       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d3      simple    c10t0d3      rootdg       online
    c12t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d0      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    sdwhqdb1:NEW:/root # vgdisplay -v
    --- Volume groups ---
    VG Name                     /dev/vg00
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      8
    Open LV                     8
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      1
    Act PV                      1
    Max PE per PV               4479
    VGDA                        2
    PE Size (Mbytes)            64
    Total PE                    1093
    Alloc PE                    1093
    Free PE                     0
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0

       --- Logical volumes ---
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            1024
       Current LE                  16
       Allocated PE                16
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            8128
       Current LE                  127
       Allocated PE                127
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            15360
       Current LE                  240
       Allocated PE                240
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            4480
       Current LE                  70
       Allocated PE                70
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c2t6d0
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    1093
       Free PE                     0
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    VG Name                     /dev/vg02
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      0
    Open LV                     0
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      1
    Act PV                      1
    Max PE per PV               5119
    VGDA                        2
    PE Size (Mbytes)            4
    Total PE                    5119
    Alloc PE                    0
    Free PE                     5119
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c4t0d0
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    5119
       Free PE                     5119
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    i have the QPK and Feature Bundle for HPUX 11.23 for June 2009 installed.

    this is the new VGDISPLAY.
    we are doing this is a part of test so that we can convert LVM VGs to VxVM DGs and if possible migrate them to AIX Built server, as we have huge data.
    am i ruuning into this problem as i am running on rp8420 that is PARISC running HPUX 11.23?i was successfully able to convert the LVM VGS into VXVM DGs on ia64 hp server rx2620 running HPUX 11.23, without much issues.
    also what is the Link for the Hardware Compatibilty List?

  • So for sure, you won't be able to get CDS since you are on 3.5.....

    Also, did you do "Analyze LVM groups for conversion" when you ran vxvmconvert ? If yes, what was the result ?

    Secondly did you mean to say, that when you were at 4.1, that time also vxdisk list was not showing disks as auto:LVM ? 

    I doubt if 3.5 use to show it as auto:LVM  ..

    In your Itanium server where conversion was sucessful, did that had 3.5 or 4.1 ?  Did that server show disks as auto:LVM in "vxdisk list" ?

    I don't think there should be any difference with RISC or Itanium ... It should work same for both..

    you can find HCL at


  • hi gaurav,

    thanks for the response.

    on the server where the conversion as well as analysis had been successful had been Itanium server running 11.23 as well as version of VxVM 3.5.

    there the LVM disks had been properly identified as LVM disks as well as after conversion i could see as Online simple Veritas disks in vxdisk list.

    on the server where the analysis as well as conversion had failed had been PA RISC running vxvm version 4.1( which i now converted to 3.5) still same issue.

    on the failed server even with 3.5 i am not able to see disks correctly as LVM disks as well vxvmcovert and analysis says that the disks in VG02 are Boot disks so conversion cant happen.

    on the server where conversion had been succesful , here is the O/p:
    :/root # vxdctl license
    Licensed features:
     Root Mirroring
     DMP (single path enabled)
    hiuxpas1:/root # vxdisk list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    Disk_0s2     simple    -            -            LVM
    Disk_1s2     simple    -            -            LVM
    EMC1_0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_1       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_2       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_3       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_4       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_5       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_6       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_7       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_8       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_9       simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_10      simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_11      simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_12      simple    -            -            online invalid
    EMC1_13      simple    -            -            LVM
    EMC1_14      simple    -            -            LVM
    EMC1_15      simple    -            -            LVM
    c8t0d0       simple    dg0701       dg07         online
    c8t0d1       simple    dg0702       dg07         online
    c8t0d2       simple    dg0703       dg07         online
    c8t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c9t0d0       simple    -            -            LVM
    c9t0d1       simple    -            -            LVM
    c9t0d2       simple    -            -            LVM
    c9t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d0      simple    -            -            LVM
    c10t0d1      simple    -            -            LVM
    c10t0d2      simple    -            -            LVM
    c10t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c11t0d0      simple    -            -            LVM
    c11t0d1      simple    -            -            LVM
    c11t0d2      simple    -            -            LVM
    c11t0d3      simple    disk06       rootdg       online
    emc_00_0     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_1     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_2     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_3     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_4     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_5     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_6     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_7     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_8     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_9     simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_10    simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_11    simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_12    simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_13    simple    -            -            online invalid
    emc_00_14    simple    -            -            online invalid

    /root # vxdg list dg07
    Group:     dg07
    dgid:      1282541609.2444.hiuxpas1
    import-id: 0.2443
    version:   90
    local-activation: read-write
    detach-policy: global
    copies:    nconfig=default nlog=default
    config:    seqno=0.1050 permlen=1009 free=1006 templen=2 loglen=153
    config disk c8t0d0 copy 1 len=1009 state=clean online
    config disk c8t0d1 copy 1 len=1009 state=clean online
    config disk c8t0d2 copy 1 len=1009 state=clean online
    log disk c8t0d0 copy 1 len=153
    log disk c8t0d1 copy 1 len=153
    log disk c8t0d2 copy 1 len=153
    hiuxpas1:/root # vgdisplay -v
    --- Volume groups ---
    VG Name                     /dev/vg00
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      8
    Open LV                     8
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      2
    Act PV                      2
    Max PE per PV               4328
    VGDA                        4
    PE Size (Mbytes)            16
    Total PE                    8636
    Alloc PE                    6998
    Free PE                     1638
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0

       --- Logical volumes ---
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            1024
       Current LE                  64
       Allocated PE                128
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  640
       Allocated PE                1280
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            5120
       Current LE                  320
       Allocated PE                640
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            4096
       Current LE                  256
       Allocated PE                512
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            2048
       Current LE                  128
       Allocated PE                256
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            11072
       Current LE                  692
       Allocated PE                1384
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            11632
       Current LE                  727
       Allocated PE                1454
       Used PV                     2
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10752
       Current LE                  672
       Allocated PE                1344
       Used PV                     2

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    4318
       Free PE                     819
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    4318
       Free PE                     819
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    VG Name                     /dev/ignite
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      1
    Open LV                     1
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      3
    Act PV                      3
    Max PE per PV               8631
    VGDA                        6
    PE Size (Mbytes)            4
    Total PE                    25890
    Alloc PE                    25890
    Free PE                     0
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0
       --- Logical volumes ---
       LV Name                     /dev/ignite/lvignite
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            103560
       Current LE                  25890
       Allocated PE                25890
       Used PV                     3

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c18t1d5
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    8630
       Free PE                     0
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c18t1d6
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    8630
       Free PE                     0
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c18t1d7
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    8630
       Free PE                     0
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    and that on the faulty PARISC server that is PARISC with 11.23 HPUX and vxvm base 3.5:
    the Op is as

    NEW:/root # vxdctl license
    Licensed features:
     Root Mirroring
     DMP (single path enabled)
    sdwhqdb1:NEW:/root # vxdisk list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    c0t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c2t6d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c4t0d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c4t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c4t0d3       simple    c10t0d3      rootdg       online
    c6t0d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c6t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c6t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d0       simple    -            -            online invalid
    c8t0d1       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d2       simple    -            -            online
    c8t0d3       simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d0      simple    -            -            online invalid
    c10t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c10t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d0      simple    -            -            online invalid
    c12t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c12t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d0      simple    -            -            online invalid
    c14t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c14t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d0      simple    -            -            online invalid
    c16t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c16t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d0      simple    -            -            online invalid
    c18t0d1      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d2      simple    -            -            online
    c18t0d3      simple    -            -            online
    sdwhqdb1:NEW:/root # bdf
    Filesystem          kbytes    used   avail %used Mounted on
    /dev/vg00/lvol3    10485760 1003928 9407816   10% /
    /dev/vg00/lvol1    1014648  121120  792056   13% /stand
    /dev/vg00/lvol8    10485760 6817952 3639712   65% /var
    /dev/vg00/lvol7    10485760 4938736 5503744   47% /usr
    /dev/vg00/lvol6    4587520 3143280 1432992   69% /tmp
    /dev/vg00/lvol5    10485760 3641832 6790720   35% /opt
    /dev/vg00/lvol4    15728640 4449465 10574229   30% /home
    sdwhqdb1:NEW:/root # vgdisplay -v
    --- Volume groups ---
    VG Name                     /dev/vg00
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      8
    Open LV                     8
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      1
    Act PV                      1
    Max PE per PV               4479
    VGDA                        2
    PE Size (Mbytes)            64
    Total PE                    1093
    Alloc PE                    1093
    Free PE                     0
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0
       --- Logical volumes ---
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol1
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            1024
       Current LE                  16
       Allocated PE                16
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol2
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            8128
       Current LE                  127
       Allocated PE                127
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol3
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol4
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            15360
       Current LE                  240
       Allocated PE                240
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol5
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol6
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            4480
       Current LE                  70
       Allocated PE                70
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol7
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1
       LV Name                     /dev/vg00/lvol8
       LV Status                   available/syncd
       LV Size (Mbytes)            10240
       Current LE                  160
       Allocated PE                160
       Used PV                     1

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c2t6d0
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    1093
       Free PE                     0
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

    VG Name                     /dev/vg02
    VG Write Access             read/write
    VG Status                   available
    Max LV                      255
    Cur LV                      0
    Open LV                     0
    Max PV                      16
    Cur PV                      1
    Act PV                      1
    Max PE per PV               5119
    VGDA                        2
    PE Size (Mbytes)            4
    Total PE                    5119
    Alloc PE                    0
    Free PE                     5119
    Total PVG                   0
    Total Spare PVs             0
    Total Spare PVs in use      0

       --- Physical volumes ---
       PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c4t0d0
       PV Status                   available
       Total PE                    5119
       Free PE                     5119
       Autoswitch                  On
       Proactive Polling           On

  • Hi Sujit,

    You can download VxVM from either

