Forum Discussion

kamalbhuttoo's avatar
12 years ago

how to delete a veritas filesystem

Hi,  I have just created a veritas filesystem /dblog.    # df -Ig Filesystem    GB blocks      Used      Free %Used Mounted on /dev/hd4           0.25      0.19      0.06   75% / /dev/hd2...
  • mikebounds's avatar
    12 years ago

    You could shrink the filesystem using vxresize, but as it looks empty, then better to delete filesystem, so you need to delete volume:

    umount /dblog
    vxassist -g dbs-dg remove volume dblogvol


    Then you can recreate:


    vxassist -g dbs-dg make dblogvol 30g (30g for example)
    mkfs -Fvxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/dbs-dg/dblogvol
    mount /dev/vx/dsk/dbs-dg/dblogvol /dblog


