Forum Discussion

MikeLean2018's avatar
6 years ago

plex at TEMPRMSD state


one of the plexes I have under the volume is in TEMPRMSD stete.

The volume is holding data so I must keep the data.

The disks status is:

DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
disk_0       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
disk_1       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
disk_2       auto:ZFS        -            -            ZFS
st2540-2_0   auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
st2540-2_1   auto:cdsdisk    st2540-2_7   dg_backup    online
st2540-2_2   auto:cdsdisk    st2540-2_9   dg_data      online
st2540-3_0   auto            -            -            error
st2540-3_1   auto            -            -            error
st2540-3_2   auto            -            -            error
st2540-3_3   auto:cdsdisk    st2540-3_3   dg_backup    online
st2540-3_4   auto:cdsdisk    st2540-3_4   dg_data      online
-            -         st2540-3_4   dg_backup    failed was:st2540-3_1
-            -         st2540-3_5   dg_data      failed was:st2540-3_0


I initiated the following vxassist command and the prompt hangs.

vxassist -g dg_data mirror ora_vol st2540-3_4


the vxprint shows:

dg dg_data      dg_data      -        -        -        -        -       -

dm st2540-2_9   st2540-2_2   -        733904640 -       -        -       -
dm st2540-3_4   st2540-3_4   -        733968128 -       -        -       -
dm st2540-3_5   -            -        -        -        NODEVICE -       -

v  ora_vol      fsgen        ENABLED  733898752 -       ACTIVE   ATT1    -
pl ora_vol-01   ora_vol      ENABLED  733898752 -       ACTIVE   -       -
sd st2540-2_9-01 ora_vol-01  ENABLED  733898752 0       -        -       -
pl ora_vol-02   ora_vol      DISABLED 733898752 -       NODEVICE -       -
sd st2540-3_5-01 ora_vol-02  DISABLED 733898752 0       NODEVICE -       -
pl ora_vol-03   ora_vol      ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd st2540-2_9-02 ora_vol-03  ENABLED  4160     LOG      -        -       -
pl ora_vol-04   ora_vol      ENABLED(SPARSE) LOGONLY -  ACTIVE   -       -
sd st2540-3_5-02 ora_vol-04  DISABLED 4160     LOG      NODEVICE -       -
pl ora_vol-05   ora_vol      ENABLED  733898752 -       TEMPRMSD ATT     -
sd st2540-3_4-01 ora_vol-05  ENABLED  733898752 0       -        -       -


Looking at the storage, I can see that the drives in the storage are blinking so I assume that the mirroring is in progress.


My questions:

1) Does the mirroring is really is process?

2) Is there a way to know what is the exact progress of the mirror process (percentage) or estimation when it will be over?

3) Will the state TEMPRMSD change to ACTIVE once the mirror is completed or should I take action to fix/resolve the TEMPRMSD state?

4) I found that in order to fix/resolve the TEMPRMSD state, the following should be executed:

     vxmend -g dg_name clear all volume plex

     vxplex -g dg_name det plex

     vxplex -g dg_name att volume plex

If the above should be executed, please advise:

4a) The "clear all volume plex" is worriying me. Will I lose the data (will it wipe the existing good flex as well)?

4b) What will be the exact commands? Will it be:

     vxmend -g dg_data clear all ora_vol plex ora_vol-05

     vxplex -g dg_data det ora_vol-05

     vxplex -g dg_data att ora_vol ora_vol-05

  • - Please run "vxtask list" command check the progress of the mirroring task.

    - The TEMPRMSD state will be cleared when the task complets 100% . The mirror command will come out once task is finished.

    - You don't need to run any "clear" command here.

    - Even your another failed mirror will come back and re-attached once the storage comes back. I can see the pelx is detached due to storage failures.

    - To void the vxassist command stuck (it is not hung, just waiting for mirroring to finish), please use "-b" option to push the actual mirroring operation in background.


  • - Please run "vxtask list" command check the progress of the mirroring task.

    - The TEMPRMSD state will be cleared when the task complets 100% . The mirror command will come out once task is finished.

    - You don't need to run any "clear" command here.

    - Even your another failed mirror will come back and re-attached once the storage comes back. I can see the pelx is detached due to storage failures.

    - To void the vxassist command stuck (it is not hung, just waiting for mirroring to finish), please use "-b" option to push the actual mirroring operation in background.


    • MikeLean2018's avatar
      Level 2

      the plex indeed turn to Active once the mirror process was completed.

      thank you very much for the quick response!

      • sdighe1's avatar
        Level 3

        Great, let me know if you need any help on this further.