Forum Discussion

DanieV's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

Plex in detached/active state

We have a plex in a detached/active state after losing fibre connectivity on the lun. Other luns were recovered by running vxreattach after the fibre issues had been sorted. All paths to the disk look fine.

Will appreciate any suggestions to get this one sorted.



vxdisk list

c2t2d3s2     auto:cdsdisk    APPDR_QZdg03  APPDR_QZdg   online 

c2t3d3s2     auto:cdsdisk    APPDR_QZdg04  APPDR_QZdg   online 

vxprint -htg

dm APPDR_QZdg03 c2t2d3s2     auto     2048     52406016 -
dm APPDR_QZdg04 c2t3d3s2     auto     2048     52406016 -

v  APPDR_QZvol  -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   52219088 SELECT    -        fsgen
pl APPDR_QZVOLnew-01 APPDR_QZvol ENABLED ACTIVE 52219088 CONCAT   -        RW
sd APPDR_QZdg03-01 APPDR_QZVOLnew-01 APPDR_QZdg03 0 52219088 0    c2t2d3   ENA
sd APPDR_QZdg04-01 APPDR_QZVOLnew-02 APPDR_QZdg04 0 52219088 0    c2t3d3   ENA
sd APPDR_QZdg03-02 APPDR_QZVOLnew-03 APPDR_QZdg03 52219088 528 LOG c2t2d3  ENA
sd APPDR_QZdg04-02 APPDR_QZVOLnew-04 APPDR_QZdg04 52219088 528 LOG c2t3d3  DET 


vxdg list

Group:     APPDR_QZdg
dgid:      1142436630.42.QuartzAPPDR
import-id: 1024.14
flags:     cds
version:   120
alignment: 8192 (bytes)
ssb:            on
detach-policy: global
dg-fail-policy: dgdisable
copies:    nconfig=default nlog=default
config:    seqno=0.1530 permlen=1280 free=1271 templen=6 loglen=192
config disk c2t2d3s2 copy 1 len=1280 state=clean online
config disk c2t3d3s2 copy 1 len=1280 state=iofail online
log disk c2t2d3s2 copy 1 len=192
log disk c2t3d3s2 copy 1 len=192 invalid


OS: Solaris 10

VxVM: 5.1 MP1

  • Hope this is a simple volume with mirror and log plexes?

    If yes, could you please try disassociating and reattaching it :


    vxplex -g <diskgroup> -v <volume_name> dis <mirrored-plex>

    vxplex -g <diskgroup> att <volume_name> <mirrored-plex>


    Also, please monitor the vxtask and messages for any errors.

5 Replies

  • There is a possibility the LUN is not yet available on the OS.

    Could you provide additional info to confirm the same. Like :

    # vxdisk list

    # vxdisk -e list

    # echo|format

    # prtvtoc <on_the_affected_disk>

  • The lun is available :

    root@QuartzAPPDR # vxdisk list c2t3d3s2
    Device:    c2t3d3s2
    devicetag: c2t3d3
    type:      auto
    disk:      name=APPDR_QZdg04 id=1298278552.62.QuartzAPPDR
    group:     name=APPDR_QZdg id=1142436630.42.QuartzAPPDR
    info:      format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=2,privslice=2
    flags:     online ready private autoconfig imported
    pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/c2t3d3s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/c2t3d3s2
    guid:      {630d5c12-1dd2-11b2-894e-0003badbea62}
    udid:      HITACHI%5FOPEN-V%20%20%20%20%20%20-SUN%5F06E10%5F6520
    site:      -
    version:   3.1
    iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)
    public:    slice=2 offset=2304 len=52406016 disk_offset=0
    private:   slice=2 offset=256 len=2048 disk_offset=0
    update:    time=1332751618 seqno=0.83
    ssb:       actual_seqno=0.0
    headers:   0 240
    configs:   count=1 len=1280
    logs:      count=1 len=192
    Defined regions:
     config   priv 000048-000239[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
     config   priv 000256-001343[001088]: copy=01 offset=000192 enabled
     log      priv 001344-001535[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
     lockrgn  priv 001536-001679[000144]: part=00 offset=000000
    Multipathing information:
    numpaths:   2
    c2t3d3s2        state=enabled
    c3t0d3s2        state=enabled

    root@QuartzAPPDR # luxadm inq /dev/rdsk/c2t3d3s2

      Physical Path:
    Vendor:                     HITACHI
    Product:                    OPEN-V      -SUN
    Revision:                   6008
    Serial Number               50 06E106520
    Device type:                0x0 (Disk device)
    Removable media:            no
    ISO version:                0
    ECMA version:               0
    ANSI version:               2 (Device complies to ANSI X3.131-1994 (SCSI-2))
    Response data format:       2
    Additional length:          0xcf
    Byte#                  Hex Value                             ASCII
    52    01 01 01 01                                         ....
    96    00 0a 12 00 65 65 ff 00 21 00 00 e0 8b 81 8c a3!.......
          20 00 00 e0 8b 81 8c a3 12 00 00 04 00 00 00 00      ...............
          00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
          00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
          00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
          00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
          00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
          00 00 00 00   

  • Hope this is a simple volume with mirror and log plexes?

    If yes, could you please try disassociating and reattaching it :


    vxplex -g <diskgroup> -v <volume_name> dis <mirrored-plex>

    vxplex -g <diskgroup> att <volume_name> <mirrored-plex>


    Also, please monitor the vxtask and messages for any errors.

  • Not sure why the vxreattach did not resolve this, but Har-D's suggestion of re-attaching the plex should resolve it as long as there are no further i/o issues with the device.



  • Har-D's suggestion should be the right option here as this is a mirrored volume ...

    You could have used vxmend commands to fix the plex states but that may need volume to stop & start (which is outage to volume) ... rather it can be done online by keeping the volume running with active plex APPDR_QZVOLnew-01 & disassociating & reassociating the plex ...


