Forum Discussion

timus's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Restore DG



Please suggest how to recover DG -

1- O/p of vxdg import

# vxdg import vgebt2db02
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group vgebt2db02: import failed:
Disk group has no valid configuration copies

2-  #vxdisk -o alldgs list | grep vgebt2db02
c18t1d4      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online udid_mismatch
c31t6d1      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online
c31t6d2      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online
c31t6d3      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online
c31t6d4      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online
c31t6d5      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online
c31t6d6      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online
c31t6d7      auto:cdsdisk    -            (vgebt2db02) online

3-  dgcfgrestore -n vgebt2db02 -l
Disk Group Configuration information in "/etc/vxvmconf/vgebt2db02.conf"
DG Name: vgebt2db02
 ---- Physical disks: 1 ---





4- The following disks have online invalid tag in `vxdsik list` o/p -



5- Please suggest how can I restore the dg and prevent any data loss

  • there are multiple ways: -- using vxconfigrestore (you should have DG backup copies intact in /etc/vx/cbr/bk) -- using maker file , you can generate maker file from vxprint -mvphsr output or from the cfgrec file in /etc/vx/cbr/bk for e.g cat *.cfgrec | vxprint -mvphsr -D - > maker.dg this file will have all info for volumes & its parameters.. In this method, the tedious step is to initialize all the disk with specified offsets, its very imporatant that you reinitialize the disk with same offsets otherwise data may be lost... you can find the disk offset values from *.dginfo file in cbr dierectory... -- same vxprint -mvphsr is collected in veritas explorers as well.. so here would be steps in short: -- create a maker file using vxprint -mvphsr output (from explorer or cfgrec file) -- re-initialize all disks in dg using same offset values & same public & private region length (*.dginfo file will help here) -- re-initialize blank diskgroup & add all above initialized disks with same name as they were before) -- use maker file to recreate volumes, # vxmake -g -d Gaurav

6 Replies

  • Hello,

    Can you tell about background of this issue ? how did you arrive to this situation ?

    Also, plz mention OS name & VxVM version....

    Also, do you have latest configuration backup in /etc/vx/cbr/bk/<diskgroup>.xxxxx

    paste out ls -l of above directory..


    Also in the mean time, I would suggest you to read out the man page of "vxconfigrestore" ...



  • Hello Gaurav,

    Below is the reqd info

    1- This issue occured after a server reboot.

    2- OS version - HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64

    3- VxVM version -  VRTSvxvm           Veritas Volume Manager by Symantec

    4- /homeroot/root> ls -l /etc/vx/cbr/bk/vgebt2db02*
    total 52170
    -rw-r--r--   1 root       root             0 Nov 26 11:30 1183750975.116.edcdqx1.binconfig
    -rw-r--r--   1 root       root        111116 Nov 26 11:30 1183750975.116.edcdqx1.cfgrec
    -rw-r--r--   1 root       root         55874 Nov 26 11:30 1183750975.116.edcdqx1.dginfo
    -rw-r--r--   1 root       root         41983 Nov 26 11:30 1183750975.116.edcdqx1.diskinfo
    -rw-r--r--   1 root       root       26484483 Nov 26 11:30 corrupt.vxprint-m
    -rw-r-----   1 root       sys              0 Dec  2 22:09 do
    -rw-r-----   1 root       sys              0 Dec  2 22:09 done
    -rw-r-----   1 root       sys              0 Dec  2 22:09 echo
    -rw-r-----   1 root       sys              0 Dec  2 22:09 for
    -rw-r-----   1 root       sys              0 Dec  2 22:09 ls

  • Tried restoring with vxconfigrestore command , below is the o/p for same -

     # vxconfigrestore -p vgebt2db02
    Diskgroup vgebt2db02 configuration restoration started ......

    awk: Input line 33 | EMC%5FSYMMETRIX cannot be longer than 3,000 bytes.
     The source line number is 1.
    awk: Input line 33 | EMC%5FSYMMETRIX cannot be longer than 3,000 bytes.
     The source line number is 1.




    syntax error The source line is 1.
     The error context is
                    {print >>>  $} <<<
     awk: The statement cannot be correctly parsed.
     The source line is 1.
    VxVM vxconfigrestore INFO V-5-2-3691 Binary Configuration backup /etc/vx/cbr/bk/vgebt2db02.1183750975.116.edcdqx1/1183750975.116.edcdqx1.binconfig does not exist.  Try to restore diskgroup configuration using vxmake.
    /etc/vx/bin/vxconfigrestore[22]: test: Specify a parameter with this command.
    VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-405 At least one disk must be specified
    VxVM vxconfigrestore ERROR V-5-2-3706 Diskgroup configuration restoration for vgebt2db02 failed.


    Any suggestions ??

  • vxconfigrestore is failing because I can see *.binconfig is of 0 size. It usually happens that .binconfig file grows & consumes /etc filesystem space & some sysadmin nullifies the file thinking that its of no use...

    well you are down to build the diskgroup manually... can u see if this is returning any output:


    # cat  <.cfgrec file name> | vxprint -ht -D -      (please note position of "-" )


    I can assist you in providing the steps to recover the diskgroup but if this is critical data for your business, I would recommend to be safe & get a support case opened with Symantec to follow close instructions & rebuild the diskgroup. There would be so many small things to look upon which will be difficult to see & chat on forums, best is if a support engineer does it.


  • Hello Gaurav,


    The below command gives desired o/p.

    # cat  <.cfgrec file name> | vxprint -ht -D - 


    Since this was critical I have build the DG manually and restored data from backup.

    Can you please tell me the steps to recover DG for my future reference and is it possible to recover data when VxVM headers from some of disks in DG are wahed away??/

  • there are multiple ways: -- using vxconfigrestore (you should have DG backup copies intact in /etc/vx/cbr/bk) -- using maker file , you can generate maker file from vxprint -mvphsr output or from the cfgrec file in /etc/vx/cbr/bk for e.g cat *.cfgrec | vxprint -mvphsr -D - > maker.dg this file will have all info for volumes & its parameters.. In this method, the tedious step is to initialize all the disk with specified offsets, its very imporatant that you reinitialize the disk with same offsets otherwise data may be lost... you can find the disk offset values from *.dginfo file in cbr dierectory... -- same vxprint -mvphsr is collected in veritas explorers as well.. so here would be steps in short: -- create a maker file using vxprint -mvphsr output (from explorer or cfgrec file) -- re-initialize all disks in dg using same offset values & same public & private region length (*.dginfo file will help here) -- re-initialize blank diskgroup & add all above initialized disks with same name as they were before) -- use maker file to recreate volumes, # vxmake -g -d Gaurav