Forum Discussion

Ramassh_Theiven's avatar
12 years ago

VxFS v6.0.01 Fails on RHEL 6.3

I am unable mount the VxVM volumes with VxDF file ystems on RHEL 6.3 (2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.x86_64).

# rpm -q VRTSvxfs
# mount /vol01
UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-22168: Cannot open portal device: No such file or directory
UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount.vxfs: You don't have a license to run this program
# lsmod | grep vx
vxspec                  3366  8
vxio                 3763980  1 vxspec
vxdmp                 408656  5 vxspec,vxio
# ls -la /dev/vxportal
ls: cannot access /dev/vxportal: No such file or directory

I have installed the latest patch available. Please help.



  • Update - There is a compatibility issue with that kernel update and the VxFS kernel components of Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.0.1. Symantec are investigating.

    The Late breaking news technote for SFHA 6.0 & 6.0.1 has been updated:

10 Replies

  • Have you checked licenses to check vxfs is licensed:

    If you have entered licences


    If you are using built in eval licences (keyless licencing):


    vxkeyless -v display
    Please provide output of above commands if you can't spot anything wrong


  • You have not specified any options with this command: 'mount /vol01'.
    Does this mean that you have an entry for this mount point in fstab? If so, please show us the entry in fstab.

  • Thanks for your comments.

    I have since uninstalled completely and installed v6.0.2 (released 2 days ago). During the installation I received this message:

    Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Install did not complete
    VRTSvxfs rpm failed to install on oslo
    VRTSvxfs rpm failed to install on helsinki
    rpms/patches failed to install. Do you want to exit installer? [y,n,q] (y) n

    This is before I selected licensing option. The error in the install log reads:

    [root@oslo installer-201210242303bLe]# more install.VRTSvxfs.oslo
    Preparing packages for installation...
    Installing module init file "/etc/init.d/vxfs"
    Error in loading module "vxfs". See documentation.
    Failed to create /dev/vxportal
    ERROR: Module fdd does not exist in /proc/modules
    ERROR: Module vxportal does not exist in /proc/modules
    ERROR: Module vxfs does not exist in /proc/modules
    ERROR: No appropriate VxFS drivers found that can be loaded.            See VxFS
     documentation for the list of supported platforms.

    Looks like the VxFS rpm is the same as in v6.0.1.

    The keyless license reads:

    [root@oslo bin]# ./vxkeyless -v display
    Product         Description
    SFHAENT_VR_GCO  SF Enterprise Edition with Cluster Server and VR & GCO

    vxlicrep is also attached.

    During configuration I noticed:

        Estimated time remaining: (mm:ss) 0:05                          20 of 21
        Starting vxcached ................................................. Done
        Starting vxconfigbackupd .......................................... Done
        Starting vxattachd ................................................ Done
        Starting vvr ...................................................... Done
        Starting vxportal ............................................... Failed
        Starting fdd .................................................... Failed
        Starting llt ...................................................... Done
        Starting gab ...................................................... Done
        Starting amf ...................................................... Done
        Starting had ...................................................... Done
        Starting CmdServer ................................................ Done
        Starting vxdbd .................................................... Done
        Starting vxodm .................................................. Failed
    Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Startup did not complete
    vxportal failed to start on oslo
    fdd failed to start on oslo
    vxodm failed to start on oslo
    vxportal failed to start on helsinki
    fdd failed to start on helsinki
    vxodm failed to start on helsinki

    I have attached all the vxportal, fdd & vxodm start logs. It looks like the RHEL 6.3 support is still not fixed as commented in

    Yes, /vol01 is in fstab:

    [root@oslo ~]# grep vol01 /etc/fstab
    /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/vol01 /vol01         vxfs    _netdev 0 0
    [root@oslo ~]# vxprint -v vol01
    Disk group: testdg
    v  vol01        fsgen        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
    [root@oslo ~]# mount /vol01
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-22168: Cannot open portal device: No such file or directory
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount.vxfs: You don't have a license to run this program
    [root@oslo ~]# mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/vol01 /vol01
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-22168: Cannot open portal device: No such file or directory
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount.vxfs: You don't have a license to run this program
    [root@oslo ~]# uname -a
    Linux 2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 16 15:57:10 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Much appreciated.


  • I lost my last posting; trying again....

    Since then I have uninstalled SFHA completely and installed the latest 6.0.2 (release couple of days ago).

    Error during installation:

    [root@oslo installer-201210242303bLe]# more install.VRTSvxfs.oslo
    Preparing packages for installation...
    Installing module init file "/etc/init.d/vxfs"
    Error in loading module "vxfs". See documentation.
    Failed to create /dev/vxportal
    ERROR: Module fdd does not exist in /proc/modules
    ERROR: Module vxportal does not exist in /proc/modules
    ERROR: Module vxfs does not exist in /proc/modules
    ERROR: No appropriate VxFS drivers found that can be loaded.            See VxFS
    documentation for the list of supported platforms.

    Error during configuration:

        Starting vxcached ................................................. Done
        Starting vxconfigbackupd .......................................... Done
        Starting vxattachd ................................................ Done
        Starting vvr ...................................................... Done
        Starting vxportal ............................................... Failed
        Starting fdd .................................................... Failed
        Starting llt ...................................................... Done
        Starting gab ...................................................... Done
        Starting amf ...................................................... Done
        Starting had ...................................................... Done
        Starting CmdServer ................................................ Done
        Starting vxdbd .................................................... Done
        Starting vxodm .................................................. Failed
    Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Startup did not complete
    vxportal failed to start on oslo
    fdd failed to start on oslo
    vxodm failed to start on oslo
    vxportal failed to start on helsinki
    fdd failed to start on helsinki
    vxodm failed to start on helsinki


    Logs attached.

  • It is licensed (see attachement):

    [root@oslo bin]# ./vxkeyless -v display
    Product         Description
    SFHAENT_VR_GCO  SF Enterprise Edition with Cluster Server and VR & GCO

    Yes, it is in fstab:

    [root@oslo ~]# grep vol01 /etc/fstab
    /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/vol01 /vol01         vxfs    _netdev 0 0
    [root@oslo ~]# vxprint -v vol01
    Disk group: testdg
    v  vol01        fsgen        ENABLED  204800   -        ACTIVE   -       -
    [root@oslo ~]# mount /vol01
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-22168: Cannot open portal device: No such file or directory
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount.vxfs: You don't have a license to run this program
    [root@oslo ~]# mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/vol01 /vol01
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-22168: Cannot open portal device: No such file or directory
    UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount.vxfs: You don't have a license to run this program
    [root@oslo ~]# uname -a
    Linux 2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 16 15:57:10 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • It looks like a compatibility issue as in

    Can Symantec please confirm that SFHA v6.0.2 is supported on RHEL 6.0 Update 3? If not is there a patch for VxFS?

    Much appreciated.

  • The spam filter has quarantined some of your posts. I can see them, but cannot release them. Have asked Admins.

    Last post says: 


    It looks like a compatibility issue as in

    Can Symantec please confirm that SFHA v6.0.2 is supported on RHEL 6.0 Update 3? If not is there a patch for VxFS?

    Much appreciated.

    I would suggest that you open a Support call.

  • SFHA 6.0.1 is compatible with RHEL 6.3, there was incompatibility issue with the previous release, 6.0. I have done a couple of installs with no issues like the above.

    One item that is of interest is that your kernel version is uprev form the one on my test system so am guessing you are on a later release/patch.

    Let me dig into this and report back



  • Update - I did a test using that a very recent RHEL update (kernel 2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.x86_64) and also hit a issue with VxFS 6.0.1. We are still investigating, I will update when I have more information



  • Update - There is a compatibility issue with that kernel update and the VxFS kernel components of Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.0.1. Symantec are investigating.

    The Late breaking news technote for SFHA 6.0 & 6.0.1 has been updated: