Forum Discussion

TerrierJim's avatar
Level 2
7 years ago

Symantec System Recovery 2013 errors


I have been unable to successfully backup a particular server for a few weeks now. It was working fine for years but suddenly stopped working. I have tried reinstalling SSR but it did not fix the issue.

This server is a vmware VM running Windows Server 2012.

Here is the error message from the SSR console:

Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: SERVER_NAME.
Error E7C3000F: Device \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy3 cannot read 8192 sectors starting at LBA 156769912.
Error EBAB03F1: Following Operating System error occurred while performing requested operation: 'The device is not ready.' (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)

Source: Symantec System Recovery

Here are the warnings and errors from the applicaiton log:

There was insufficient disk space on volume D: to grow the shadow copy storage for shadow copies of D:.  As a result of this failure all shadow copies of volume D: are at risk of being deleted.

The shadow copies of volume D: were aborted because the shadow copy storage failed to grow.

I don't have shadow copies enabled on the volume.

The volume has 30% free disk space.

No idea what to do now! I've got SSR running on 20+ servers without any issues. This is the only one causing me problems.

Hoping someone can advise.


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