It's Prime Time for OpenStack--What Are You Waiting For?
According to IDC, other than VMware, OpenStack is driving the biggest share of today's data center growth, and many of the world's best-known organizations have already built out OpenStack-based computing environments. In other words, OpenStack has officially arrived as a "prime time" technology. Designed specifically for building out private or public clouds, OpenStack allows organizations to achieve true platform independence backed by an ever-growing open source community of developers. The result is continuous innovation and sharp reductions in hardware and middleware costs. In this session, you will learn how Veritas, with its unique dual-plane HyperScale for OpenStack architecture, can help your organization make the most of OpenStack--and achieve new levels of platform independence, application performance, and computing efficiency.
This presentation was originally delivered at Vision 2017 on Wednesday, Sep 20, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM