Knowledge Base Article

Enable Envelope Journaling in Exchange 2000/2003

Standard message-only journaling simply delivers a copy of a message flagged for archival to a designated journal mailbox. Envelope journaling instead delivers archival messages using an envelope message containing a journal report with the original message as an attachment.

In order to enable standard journaling please read Enable Journaling in Exchange 2000/2003.

Envelope Journaling is available in Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 and Exchange 2003 Service Pack 1 and later. Exchange Envelope Journaling is used to capture all the available RFC2821 and RFC2822 recipients, including CC and BCC recipients that were configured on an email message. It also captures members of a distribution group expansion and it captures reports that include delivery receipts, NDRs, read receipts, and out-of-office notifications.

Envelope journaling enables you to archive the following information to specified journal mailboxes:
  • All the recipients of the message (P1 data as contained in the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) conversation)
  • Distribution group lists are completely expanded and included in the above list The journaled message consists of a multi-part Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) message with the following contents:
  • Plain text that contains information about the complete list of P1 recipients, the recipients specified in the SMTP conversation by the RCPT TO: command, and original message ID.
  • The original message as attachment
It's easy to see the difference between the two:

This is a journaled message - see how it looks exactly like the original message, but it lacks all the additional protocol information:

imagebrowser image

This is a journaled message AFTER you've enabled envelope journaling - the original message is added as an attachment, and the journal have additional information showing:

imagebrowser image

You can enable Envelope Journaling by using one of these methods:

1. Use the ADSI editor management console.
2. Use the Exchange Server Email Journaling Advanced Configuration (exejcfg.exe) tool.

Method #1: Using ADSIedit.msc

First, if you do not have them already, obtain the Windows 2003 SP1 Support Tools and install them on your server.

Download the Windows 2003 SP1 Support Tools (5.2mb)

To enable Envelope Journaling using the ADSI editor, follow these steps:

1. Open the adsiedit.msc console.
2. Expanding ADSI Edit under CN=Configuration\CN=Services\CN=Microsoft Exchange. Right-click on the CN<your organization name> node and then click Properties.

imagebrowser image

1. In the properties dialog, select the heuristics attribute from the Attributes list and click the Edit button.
2. In the Integer Attribute Editor dialog, type 512 in the Value edit box and click OK.

imagebrowser image

Note: A value of 512 enables Envelope Journaling, and a value of 0 disables Envelope Journaling.

1. Click OK to save the new setting and close the ADSIEdit console.

Method #2: Using Exejcfg.exe

Download the Exejcfg.exe tool from this link:

Microsoft Exchange Server Email Journaling Advanced Configuration

Unzip the Exejcfg.exe tool to a directory of your choice.

Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory in which you installed Exejcfg.exe.

Type the following command to enable envelope journaling:

exejcfg –e

Note: In order to disable envelope journaling use the -d switch.
Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0

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