Knowledge Base Article

EV Dashboard 0.13 available for download.

It is now possible to use the EnterpriseVaultDirectory, through EV Dashboard to give you Mailbox Aliases and Exchange Legacy DNs. I forget which third party tool uses these, however this should be useful to have at hand.
EV Dashboard – Uploaded and available for download from


I have uploaded version 0.13 of EV Dashboard. Below you can see the home page as I see it which has a few added elements now to show if any EV related Windows services are down, if any MSMQ have a count larger than 0, if there are any failed indexes, and also a summary of the watch file count. Checked every morning this new information should alert you to problems before your users do.


It is important to note the Recorded timestamp on the 'Service Alerts' and 'MSMQ Message Count Alerts' sections. Within the EV Dashboard package there is a vbscript called EVDashboard_Data_Collector.vbs. This script is intended to be scheduled by using EVDashboard_Data_Collector.cmd, everyday, early in the morning. I have the script scheduled at 7am. So the two previously mentioned sections will show service alerts or MSMQ alerts at the time the script was scheduled to run. You may start a service for example, but this will not be reflected until the following day when the script runs again.

NOTE: It is NOT recommended to run this script more than once in any one 24 hour period. Why? As well as checking for service alerts and MSMQ alerts, the script collects information on the status of your EV users. This information is stored in the EVDashboard database. The page OverWarningLimit.asp for example, pulls any records out of the EVDashboard database for the current day. So if you run the script more than once in a 24 hour period you will have duplicate entries in your EVDashboard database.

This is something in the pipeline to clean up in future releases, but for the moment I am expanding as much functionality as I can think is useful.


EV Dashboard utilises its own database which is populated from EnterpriseVaultDirectory, and each of the databases for your EV servers. This proves to be a more efficient way of storing the data, especially if the databases are distributed across different SQL servers, and/or different data centres. So each time a page is loaded only one table from one database is called.

Community contributions? Can I update your code? yes, yes, yes you can! This would be excellent. If anyone out there updates a page, or has a css fix or anything else then please drop it onto the forum @ I am just one person, using Enterprise Vault pretty much solely for the Mailbox archiving functionality. If anyone has something to bring to the table, it will be very welcome.


Organisation Archiving Hisory is now available. If you are interested in the number of messages you organisation has archived. The list is broken down by server and by month. For our organisation we used these numbers to estimate how many stubs would be removed by implementing a stub removal policy.


I do not think it has been mentioned before now, so I will include it here. All (or most) of the main user database information pages have bee updated to include a date selector. So it is possible to view the data from today, the default, or to go back in time and look at the same data set for last week.



ChangeLog updates for this release:

  • Fixed issue within user report pages. The default action for the enter key on these pages is the Refresh Data button.
    Added the filter button onto these pages, without this filtering is impossible. For the moment the css is not pretty, but it works.
  • Updated css for buttons on user report pages.
  • Removed inc_OldestRecord.vbs - This is no longer needed since the introduction of DatabaseStats.asp
  • Added OrphanedArchives.asp
  • Added ExchangeLegacyDNs.asp
  • Added Service Alerts to index.asp
  • Updated MSMQMessageCount.asp - Now includes options for retrieving info from one or all servers at a time
  • Added OrganisationArchivingHistory.asp - Gives you totals of the number of items archived per month for each database
  • Dropped Exchange Transaction Logs from Data Collector vbscript and header.asp. This provided unreliable and is not core to the goals of EV Dashboard. Files left in place in case a fix is found.
  • Fixed CSS for calendar. Previously the background for the month letters was set the same colour blue as the .th headings in tables.
  • Seperated out index.asp functions into seperate files for easier reading.
  • Fixed footer.asp link. Thanks raredirt.





Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0

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