Knowledge Base Article

EV Dashboard 0.17 available for download

Hi all,

Ev Dashboard 0.17 is now available for download from Below is  the low-down on the most recent changes:
  • Bug fix: Dates are now written into the EVDashboard database using ISO format regardless of locale (YYYY/MM/DD HH/MM/SS).
  • Bug fix: Previously Total Mailbox Size was calculated incorrectly in inc_Enabled_Mailboxes_Databases.vbs. This has been resolved.
  • Updated tablefilter.js and filtergrid.css from version 1.9.4 to 1.9.6.
  • Created EnabledMailboxesLite.asp. A lite version of the Enabled Mailboxes Report. This is essentially the same report .ASP file but with fewer columns in an effort to make the report more readable if desired. This can be customised further by removing or adding column headers and the data entries (.ASP knowledge required).


  • Enabled 'Filter as you type', and removed the Filter button from all user report pages.
  • Added Filter row hide button and column chooser to add user report pages. These changes introduce TFExt_ColsVisibility.css, TFExt_ColsVisibility.js, TFExt_FiltersRowVisibility.css and TFExt_FiltersRowVisibility.js located in the CSS and JS directories, in the distribution binary.



For the full installation instruction please visit:

For the full ChangeLog details please vsiit:

The most recent additions to the ChangeLog:

Change Log

To-do list

  • Include XML file reading in IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.asp.
  • Not all pages have corresponding Export.asp files for exporting data to Excel.
  • Update CSS to move the filter button to the search bar on all relevant ASP pages. - Fixed in 0.17; Enabled 'Filter As You Type' and removed filter button.

Version 0.17 - 15th March 2010

Fixes / Additions:

  • Fixed inc_Enabled_Mailboxes_Databases.vbs - strMailboxSizeMB was not set, resulting in total mail size being incorrect.
  • Updated EVDashboard_data_Collector.vbs - Added further output information, written to log and screen. Added If...Then...condition so start and finish time is only written to config.xml if the script was started before 8:30am.
  • Updated IndexExchangeEnvironment.asp - Added required code for the domain name to be displayed in this section on the index.asp page. Part of this was adding inc_Domain_Name.vbs. Additionally added code to get ServiceAccount; the account the data collector is run as. This is not displayed anywhere yet though.
  • Added recorded timestamp into the Disk Alerts section of index.asp. Actual changes in IndexDiskAlerts.asp.
  • Fixed bug 00001: Added new Record TimeStamp formatting function into global.asp. With this dates are now displayed into standard ISO format, regardless of the locale (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm). Applied this fix to the following files:
  • Updated EVDashboard_Data_Collector.vbs - Extended strSQLExecute value to 1800 seconds or 30 minutes. Some larger sites may see scripts terminating with a timeout because of high volumes of records retrieved by some SQL queries. Typically inc_Over_Warning_Limit.vbs can retrieve high numbers of records and take more than the previous limit of 5 minutes.
  • Updated Admin.asp - Moved styles and coding section out to ./includes/AdminStyles.asp for easier reading.
  • Fixed CSS in Admin.asp - Removed table borders, which were unintentionally set.
  • Updated inc_Over_Warning_Limit.vbs, inc_Over_Send_Limit.vbs, inc_Over_Receive_Limit.vbs so the count of records and mailbox names are written to screen when the script is run interactively.
  • Added EnabledMailboxesLite.asp - A cut down version of EnabledMailboxes.asp. Giving slightly less information on screen. Hopefully this will make it easier for people with smaller screen resolutions.
  • Enabled 'Filter As You Type' within TableFilter.js script. With this change, removed the Filter button which was out of place anyway. Change applied to:
  • Updated tablefilter.js and filtergrid.css from version 1.9.4 to 1.9.6.
  • Added the Column visibility manager and Filter row visibility scripts to:
  • Added only Filter row visibility script to:
    On larger installations (potentially 5000 EV archives and upwards) enabling the Column visibility manager on these two reports extends the load time of the script to the point where the browser process consumes excessive amounts of memory and CPU power for an excessive amount of time. It appears the script fails to load in this scenario. For this reason these two reports only have the Filter row visibility script turned on.
  • Fixed number of records per page values to 100,500,1000 on all user report pages.
  • Enabled 'Load Filters on Demand' for slightly faster loading times on: EnabledMailboxes.asp

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • Any action I perform in the dashboard -- it seems to just keep loading ... I think one or two actions processed and returned results.

    But, as of this writing -- I ran a User Archive Report -> User Index Status and the page is still loading after an hour.



  • Hi symsks,

    I have a fairly large environment of 6700 EV archives, so I am fairly confident the setup I have created can take a large number of records and still operate at acceptable speeds. Is your environment larger than this?

    Thinking on a different tak, if you are running the User Index Status this page should come up within a second or two are there are normally only a few tables to look at and retrieve results from. On my system with six EV mailbox archiving servers the page loads very quickly.

    Could you tell me what happens when you run the EVDashboard_Data_Collector.vbs? Could you provide the log which is produced? Aslo which version are you using?

    More than happy to help you get to the bottom of these problems.



  • EVDashboard_Data_Collector.vbs(0, 1) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Invalid connection.

    This is all that's in the contents of the collector log:

    * EVDashboard Data Collector - v1.2.9

    2010.03.19 16:16:41: Successfully opened config.xml.
    2010.03.19 16:16:41: Running in online day mode.
    2010.03.19 16:16:41: Loading data from config.xml.
    2010.03.19 16:16:41: Creating multi-dimentional array.
    2010.03.19 16:16:41: Processing Service Alerts.

  • I've tried the dashboard installed/copied onto two different machines in their Inetpub folders.  The asp pages both exhibit the same problems ....

  • Hi symsks,

    The first thing which stikes me is the error message from the data collector - EVDashboard_Data_Collector.vbs(0, 1) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Invalid connection.

    This is in a round about way saying it cannot connect to your databases, if you have defined them correctly on the configuration page.

    You will need to enter in your DB servers, Database names, EV servers, EV database names.

    You should be able to get this information from your admin console.



  • EV = 8 SP4
    Microsoft SQL: Server Management Studio  2008 | 10.0.2531.0

    Having trouble setting up the connection to the database. I can connect to the database using other tools though ie. Qexpress.

    The error Im getting when I use the "Test Database Connectivity" feature is:
    Error Number -2147467259: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database "evdashboard,1433" requested by the login. The login failed.

    Here's my settings
    Database server: mssqlserver
    SQL DB port 1433
    Database name evdashboard
    Connection type SQL Authentication
    db user:evduser
    db pass: ***

    For the database name, I did try the instance name as well ie. ./evdashboard

    Any ideas?