Knowledge Base Article

Install and Verify the Journal Connector.

Journal Connector :

The Journaling Connector is component of Compliance Accelerator collects a random sample of messages sent to the Enterprise Vault archive of a Microsoft Exchange journal mailbox or Lotus Domino journaling database. If an organization’s compliance strategy stipulates that a certain percentage of each employee’s messages must be reviewed every day, this is the best way to meet the requirement. At a set time, 1:00 am by default, Compliance Accelerator adds the messages captured during the previous 24 hours to the messages to be reviewed for a department in Review Set.


Journaling Connector implementation :

The  Journaling Connector is implemented as a filter which runs inside the Journal Task capturing e-mail messages as they are archived. The Journaling Connector is installed on Enterprise Vault (EV) servers running the Journal Task. This adds an entry to the registry which implements the filter. If there are multiple filters implemented on the Enterprise Vault (EV) server running the Journal Task,  the Journaling Connector should be last of those filters. This ensures that the mail messages captured have been processed by other filters first.


Journal Task & Journal Connector Work :

  • Journal Task tags every e-mail with message type and direction.
  • Journaling Connector adds departments tags to each e-mail.
  • Indexable custom attributes are added to each message.
  • Searches can be carried out on the department tags instead of SMTP e-mail addresses.


The Journal Task tags every mail message with the following indexable attributes:

  • Vault.MsgType: String value for the message type for example; “exch”, “Bloomberg”.
  • Vault.MsgDirection: The value of this attribute indicates the message direction where:



                                       2=External inbound

                                       3=External outbound


The Journaling Connector tags each mail message with the following indexable attributes:

  • KVSCA.Department: List of the Compliance Accelerator department IDs
  • KVSCA.DeptRecips: The department IDs that the message recipients were a member of at the point of sampling
  • KVSCA.DeptAuthor: The department IDs that the message author was a member of at the point of sampling.


Journaling Connector prerequisites :

  • Journaling Connector requires a Compliance Accelerator Configuration and Customer database created.
  • The Journaling Connector is installed on an Enterprise Vault server which requires:
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
    • At least one Journaling task is configured and Running.


Installing the Journaling Connector :

  1. Log on to the Enterprise Vault Server Running the “Journal Task” using Vault Service account.
  2. Load the installable media on server.
  3. In Windows Explorer, browse to the “Symantec Enterprise Vault Compliance Accelerator \ Journal Connector” folder.
  4. Double Click on “Symantec Enterprise Vault Journal Connector.msi” and you will get Screen ‘Welcome to the Symantec Enterprise Vault Journal Connecter Setup’, click on Next.
  5. You will get “Journaling Connector Database” Screen.
    • Choose to Journal Connector Type :
      • Journal Connector for Microsoft Exchange.
      • Journal Connector for Lotus Domino.
    • In Server Name field specify the name of the SQL Server hosting the Compliance Accelerator Configuration database.
    • In Database Name field specify the name of the Compliance Accelerator Configuration database.
  6. After Clicking on “Next” , you will get screen “Ready to Install”. You can click on “Install” to start the setup.

 JC Install.JPG



Post installation checks :


1. Configuration files :


On the Enterprise Vault server there is a configuration file in the Enterprise Vault installation folder (Default Location is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault') named JournalTask.exe.config for Exchange Journaling Archiving and EVLotusDominoJournalTask.exe.config for Lotus Domino Journaling Archiving, which specifies the SQL server hosting the Compliance Accelerator (CA) configuration database and name of the Compliance Accelerator (CA) configuration database (called Initial catalog in the .exe.config file).

JC Config.JPG


<add key="DSNConfiguration" value="server=SQL; Integrated Security=true; Initial Catalog=CAConfiguration; Connection Timeout=500" />

In above Example :

SQL Server Name hosting CA Configuration DB : SQL

Name of the CA Configuration DB : CAConfiguration



2. Registry Key :


When the Journaling Connector is installed the following registry entries are created:

  1. String value called 1 with value data of KVS.Accelerator.Plugin.Filter.
  2. DWORD called MoveOnFilterFailure with a value of 1 : This setting ensures that the Journal Task moves messages that the external filter cannot handle to the Failed External Filter folder in the associated mailbox.
  3. DWORD called Override with a value of 1 : This setting prevents other custom filters, for example; archiving rules from being processed.

NOTE : If the Enterprise Vault server is running other custom filters then the filter entries must be numbered in an unbroken sequence starting at 1 and the Journaling Connector entry  (KVS.Accelerator.PlugIn.Filter) must be last in the list.


To Check the registry to verify the Journaling Connector’s external filter is properly configured.

  1. Open the Registry on Enterprise Vault Server.
  2. Check Path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\External Filtering\Journaling
  3. Refer Image :





3. Event Log on Enterprise Vault Server:

  • Event ID : 45329 : External Filter “KVS.Accelerator.Plugin.Filter” initialising ..
  • Event ID : 268 : APP JC - Enterprise Vault Journaling Connector has started.
  • E45329.JPG
  • E268.JPG


Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0

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