Knowledge Base Article

Journal Mailbox folders with Enterprise Vault


Have you ever looked inside an Exchange journal mailbox after it's been targeted with Enterprise Vault?  If you have never opened your Enterprise Vault journal mailbox with Outlook, then you should! In this article I'll give a brief list of the folders that the mailbox may contain and what they mean to the health of your Enterprise Vault journaling environment.

Remember that not all of these folders will be present, and even if some are it doesn't mean that you have to immediately try to change something to 'fix' a problem. The list is more for you to gain an understanding of what the folders are, and what they might mean.

Above Maximum Size

In the Enterprise Vault journaling policy you can configure a limit to the size of the messages that will be journal archived. Hopefully your Exchange administrators are sensible and have some sort of maximum message size in place on the Exchange environment, so you could mirror that same size in this particular policy setting, or, you could take the decision that you want the Enterprise Vault maximum to be lower.  Whatever limit you set in the Enterprise Vault policy messages exceeding that limit will be placed here. A lot of items in the folder may mean you have either got the policy setting wrong, or something else is wrong in your environment causing massive messages to arrive (and be left unprocessed)
I always think it is a good idea to have (sensible) limits in place. The default is as you seen in the screenshot, 250 Mb. That to me seems quite large, users shouldn't really be emailing files/messages of that size.  However, if the limit is too high, or too low, you can adjust it. You can even set it to zero, which means that there is no limit whatsoever.  
I advise against using the 'no limit' option option however.  
One thing to remember here is that items above the size limit you specify will be left in the journal mailbox meaning that the mailbox grow in size.
Here is the folder in the journal mailbox on my test environment:

Failed Codepage xyz

The appropriate code pages are needed in order to process messages with that code page. So to fix this problem you should install the correct code page, or use the default ANSI code page. After you've done that step you should move these messages back in to the Inbox to be processed by the journal task. This folder shouldn't really contain any items, so if it does, rectify the problem and then retry the messages.
You can force Enterprise Vault to use the default code page by removing the entry from CodePages.txt file shown in the Enterprise Vault program folder.

Failed DL Expansion

If Distribution List expansion is turned on in the journaling policy (and it should be for journaling!) any distribution list expansion failures will result in the message being moved to this folder. The folder should not contain any items really, a build up of messages here might mean that Enterprise Vault is talking to a Global Catalogue server which has incomplete data.
You can set the option in the policy to archive the item anyway, even though it failed distribution list expansion, but before doing so it is worth investigating why the failure is happening in the first place.  Remember that if you archive the item anyway, then you're compromising in someways the integrity of the data because you can not prove who did or didn't receive that particular message.

Failed External Filter

This contains messages which have failed to be processed by a custom filter. A build up of messages here means that the filter might not be correct. The event log sometimes contains more information about the reason for the failure.  Of course if you don't use custom filters then nothing should be in this folder.

Failed to copy

This is usually messages which are corrupt. You can try dragging them to your desktop and double clicking on them. If they open correctly you can try dragging them back to the journal Inbox for reprocessing.  Again a big build-up of messages here isn't healthy for your environment.

Failed to store

This folder contains messages which cannot be archived. They may have failed because of an issue with the Storage Service. Again this folder shouldn't have any items in it, and if it does you may want to see if there is an issue with the storage service, rectify it, then drag and drop the items back to the Inbox in the journal mailbox and try them again.

Invalid Journal Report

This contains messages where the P1 envelope message doesn't conform to Microsoft standards. This folder should also not contain any items.  In the past I've seen items in this folder when Antivirus software has modified the P1 message because of suspect content.
The net result here is that these various folders should be pretty much empty all of the time in a healthy Enterprise Vault Exchange journaling environment. You can also see how it is important to check the journal mailbox regularly, as a build of messages may indicate a problem, and if nothing else is likely to mean that your journal mailbox starts to get very big, very quickly.
How do you monitor your journal mailboxes? Have you ever had a build of items in any of these queues?  Let me know in the comments below...




Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • We have a VBScript that runs a couple of times a day and emails a report that contains the total number of items (and MB used) in the mailbox as well as listing each (sub) folder with the number of messages in it.

    We typically see DL Expansion, Invalid Journal Report, and Failed to Copy issues.

  • for what it's worth, you should be able to accomplish this with the get-mailbox and get-mailboxfolderstatistics powershell commands. you could have the results emailed or piped to a file and stored somewhere.

  • I didn't write this and I'm not sure where i originally found it (maybe scriptingguys?). It's not very pretty but works...good luck!

    Output looks something like this:

    Mailbox - JournalMBX
    Top of Information Store
    -- Conversation Action Settings : 0
    -- Deleted Items : 0
    -- Enterprise Vault Journaling Service : 0
    ---- Failed DL Expansion : 5
    ---- Failed to copy : 3
    ---- Failed to store : 0
    ---- Invalid Journal Report : 10
    -- Inbox : 37
    -- Junk E-Mail : 0
    -- RSS Feeds : 0
    -- Sent Items : 0
    Storage Used in Mailbox - JournalMBX            (msgs):     60 (bytes): 6,144,457

    Code to send email message with file, note you will need to redirect the output or modify the script to output to a file rather than the console. We email the report a couple of times a day to monitor the number of messages in the mailbox.

    ToAdd = ";"
    FromAdd =
    SMTPServer = ""

    ServerSubject = ("Journal Repository Mailbox Count")

    MsgBody = ("Journal Repository Mailbox Status") & vbcrlf & vbcrlf

    MsgBody =  MsgBody & CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("C:\Status\JournalMBX-Status.txt", 1).ReadAll

    Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
     objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
     objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = SMTPServer
     objEmail.From = FromAdd
     objEmail.To = ToAdd
     objEmail.Subject = ServerSubject
     objEmail.Textbody = MsgBody
     objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\Status\JournalMBX-Status.txt"

    Here's the code to generate the report. You might need to run cscript.exe from c:\windows\syswow64\

    ' USAGE: cscript ProcessNotesEmails.vbs SERVERNAME MAILBOXNAME

    ' This requires that CDO 1.21 is installed on the computer.

    Dim rc, strDate, strLogFile, Level

    'Get date/time formatted as YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
    strDate= Year(Now) & Right(Month(Now)+100, 2) & Right(Day(Now)+100, 2) & "_" & Right(Hour(Now)+100, 2) & Right(Minute(Now)+100, 2) & Right(Second(Now)+100, 2)

    ' START OF USER CONFIGURABLE VARIABLES '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


    ' END OF USER CONFIGURABLE VARIABLES '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    PrintLog "Starting script"

    ' Get command line arguments.
    Dim obArgs
    Dim cArgs

    Set obArgs = WScript.Arguments
    cArgs = obArgs.Count


    Sub Main()
       Dim oSession
       Dim oInfoStores
       Dim oInfoStore
       Dim oInfoStore2
       Dim oRootFolder
       Dim oFolders
       Dim StorageUsed
       Dim NumMessages
       Dim strProfileInfo
       Dim sMsg

    '   On Error Resume Next

        'Open log file
        'Append to log file

        Dim oFSO, oFile
        Dim strData
        Dim strPattern, strReplace
        Dim strD

        Const ForAppending = 8

        strD = FormatDateTime(Now(),0)

        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    '    If NOT oFSO.FileExists(strLogFile) Then
             Set oFile=oFSO.CreateTextFile(strLogFile)
    '    End If
        oFile.WriteLine strD & " - " & "End of Run"

       If cArgs <> 2 Then
          printlog( "Usage: cscript script.vbs SERVERNAME MAILBOXNAME")
          printlog( "  e.g. cscript script.vbs svr smitha")
          Exit Sub
       End If

       'Create Session object.
       Set oSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
       if Err.Number <> 0 Then
          sMsg = "Error creating MAPI.Session."
          sMsg = sMsg & "Make sure CDO 1.21 is installed. "
          sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
          printlog( sMsg)
          Exit Sub
       End If

       strProfileInfo = obArgs.Item(0) & vbLf & obArgs.Item(1)

       'Log on.
       oSession.Logon , , False, True, , True, strProfileInfo
       if Err.Number <> 0 Then
          sMsg = "Error logging on: "
          sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
          printlog( sMsg)
          printlog( "Server: " & obArgs.Item(0))
          printlog( "Mailbox: " & obArgs.Item(1))
          Set oSession = Nothing
          Exit Sub
       End If

       'Grab the information stores.
       Set oInfoStores = oSession.InfoStores
       if Err.Number <> 0 Then

          sMsg = "Error retrieving InfoStores Collection: "
          sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
          printlog( sMsg)
          printlog( "Server: " & obArgs.Item(0))
          printlog( "Mailbox: " & obArgs.Item(1))
          Set oInfoStores = Nothing
          Set oSession = Nothing
          Exit Sub
       End If

       'Loop through information stores to find the user's mailbox.
       For Each oInfoStore In oInfoStores
          If InStr(1, oInfoStore.Name, "Mailbox - ", 1) <> 0 Then
             '&HE080003 = PR_MESSAGE_SIZE
             StorageUsed = oInfoStore.Fields(&HE080003)
             if Err.Number <> 0 Then
                sMsg = "Error retrieving PR_MESSAGE_SIZE: "
                sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
                printlog( sMsg)
                printlog( "Server: " & obArgs.Item(0))
                printlog( "Mailbox: " & obArgs.Item(1))
                Set oInfoStore = Nothing
                Set oInfoStores = Nothing
                Set oSession = Nothing
                Exit Sub
             End If

             '&H33020003 = PR_CONTENT_COUNT
             NumMessages = oInfoStore.Fields(&H36020003)

             if Err.Number <> 0 Then

                sMsg = "Error Retrieving PR_CONTENT_COUNT: "
                sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
                printlog( sMsg)
                printlog( "Server: " & obArgs.Item(0))
                printlog( "Mailbox: " & obArgs.Item(1))
                Set oInfoStore = Nothing
                Set oInfoStores = Nothing
                Set oSession = Nothing
                Exit Sub
             End If


             sMsg = "Storage Used in " & oInfoStore.Name & space(40 - len(oInfoStore.Name))
             sMsg = sMsg & " (msgs): " & space(6 - len(FormatNumber(NumMessages,0,,-1))) & FormatNumber(NumMessages,0,,-1) & " (bytes): " & FormatNumber(StorageUsed,0,,-1)
    '         printlog( sMsg)
    '         printlog( "Number of Messages: " & NumMessages)
             WScript.echo sMsg
    '         WScript.echo "Number of Messages: " & FormatNumber(NumMessages,0,,-1)
          End If


       ' Log off.

       ' Clean up memory.
       Set oInfoStore = Nothing
       Set oInfoStores = Nothing
       Set oSession = Nothing

       oFile.WriteLine strD & " - " & "End of Run"

    End Sub

    Sub ProcessMailbox(oIS)
      WScript.echo oIS.Name
      WScript.echo oIS.RootFolder.Name

      For Each oF in oIS.RootFolder.Folders
        'Process top-level folders

        'Ignore non message folders?
        'If Name in ("Journal, Contacts, etc") then continue.

        If oF.Name = "Calendar" OR oF.Name = "Contacts" OR oF.Name = "Drafts" _
        OR oF.Name = "Tasks" OR oF.Name = "Notes" OR oF.Name = "Outbox" _
        OR oF.Name = "Journal" OR oF.Name = "Calendar Attachments"   Then
        printlog ("Skipping:   " & oIS.Name & "/" & oF.Name)
    '       printlog(  "Processing: " & oIS.Name & "/" & oF.Name)
           Level = 0
        End If


    End Sub

    Sub ProcessFolder(StartFolder)
       Dim objFolder
       Dim objItem
       Dim iCount

       Level = Level + 1

    '   printlog( "                     " & StartFolder.Name)

        For Each objItem In StartFolder.Messages
        WScript.Echo String(Level*2,"-") & " " & StartFolder.Name & " : " & FormatNumber(iCount,0,,-1)
       ' process all the subfolders of this folder
       For Each objFolder In StartFolder.Folders
           Call ProcessFolder(objFolder)

    'End If

        Level = Level - 1
        Set objFolder = Nothing
    End Sub

    Sub printlog(strMessage)
        Dim strD

        strD = FormatDateTime(Now(),0)

    '    oFile.WriteLine strD & " - " & strMessage

    '    Wscript.Echo strD & " - " & strMessage
    End Sub