Knowledge Base Article

MAPI Issues?

If you have MAPI issues, here are some troubles shooting tips:

1. Exchange Permissions

Check permissions using Exchange System Manager.
  • Make sure the Enterprise Vault Service Account has “send as/receive” checked and is NOT denied (this includes any groups that the Vault Service Account has access to.
  • Domain Administrators and Exchange Administrators have explicit deny send as/receive as by default.
  • It is recommend that the Enterprise Vault Service Account is not a member of the Domain Administrator Group.
  • If you want to drill down to confirm the security on the Storage Group and Mail Store use the ShowSecurityPage regkey. See The Exchange 2003 and 2000 System Manager bellow
2. Fix an out-of-step version of mapisvc.inf

A server may have more than one version of a file called mapisvc.inf(This is common when you have Exchange System Manager and Outlook installed). In such cases, the wrong version can be used by MAPI, leading to connection problems.

On the Enterprise Vault server, search the system disk for the file MAPISVC.INF. You often find it in the following locations:
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033\NT
  • C:\WINNT\system32
If you find only one copy of the file, continue with the Outlook utility fixmapi.exe described below.

If you have two copies, you need to copy mapisvc.inf from one location to the other so that both versions are identical. Typically you find that one version of the file is a little larger than the other. Copy the larger version of the file on top of the smaller version, for example, copy mapisvc.inf from C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033\NT to C:\WINNT\system32.

3. Run the Outlook utility fixmapi.exe

As part of the Outlook installation, it installs a utility called fixmapi.exe. Usually you can find it in C:\WINNT\system32.

To run this utility, simply double click on it.
Alternatively “Start --> Run --> fixmapi.

Note that this utility runs very quickly and does not display any output so you might not realise it has run.

After you have completed the above steps, you need to reboot the server to be sure that the changes take effect.

4. Enterprise Vault System Mailbox

When Enterprise Vault connects to an Exchange server, it connects to a particular mailbox on that server. When you configure an Mailbox Archiving Task for that Exchange server Enterprise Vault asks you to select a specified System Mailbox for that task.

In certain cases, there could be problems connecting to this mailbox, for example:
  • Outlook has not been fully initialised.
  • The mailbox has not been fully created
  • The mailbox has been set to hidden
  • There is a mailbox of a similar name causing ambiguity.
The following two sections can help you resolve these problems:

• Is the system mailbox set to hidden in the Global Address List?
• Log into the System Mailbox using the Enterprise Vault Service Account on the Enterprise Vault Server.
• Delete all the Outlook profiles – Don’t worry if you cannot delete all of them.

Try to open this mailbox in Outlook while logged on as the Vault Admin Account.
• Are you able to send and receive email?

5. Service Account Password
In the Vault Admin Console, right click on the directory, properties, service account and re-enter the password.

6. Check that Outlook is the default E-mail client
Start Internet Explorer. From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options, Programs and check that E-Mail is set to Microsoft Outlook

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The Exchange 2003 and 2000 System Manager

The Situation:
You have navigated to the Exchange 2003 System manager and now you want to change permissions for objects in your Exchange Organization.

The problem:

Exchange 2003 System Manager does not display the Security Tab, so you cannot modify the permissions. The default position is that when you check any of the Exchange Organization objects, there is no Security Tab.

The solution - Security TabShowSecurityPage Registry setting DWORD

To display the permissions tab, make this change to the registry.

1. Here is the correct path to navigate: HKEY_Current_User\Software\ Microsoft\Exchange\ExAdmin
2. Once you reach the above section of the registry you need to create a DWORD called ShowSecurityPage
3. A value of 1 (Numeric one) means on, whilst 0 (Zero) means off
4. Close the Exchange System Manager, then reopen ESM

So you should now get this:
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Without ShowSecurityPage With ShowSecurityPage

Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0

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