Knowledge Base Article

New DQL templates in Data Insight 5.1

Data Insight provides you the ability to query the data being monitored by using Data Insight Query Language (DQL). You can use canned DQL templates, and generate a report in CSV format.  You can select any of the built-in queries and even modify the content to suit your specific reporting needs.

The following new Data Management templates have been added in Data Insight 5.1:

  • Capacity by extensions: The query and the provided advanced SQL options help in identifying the storage capacity used by specific file extensions.
  • Duplicate files on a share: This DQL Query along with the provided advanced SQL queries help in identifying duplicate files within a share. The duplicate files are identified by file name, by size of the files, and by modified time.
  • Stub Files: This query lists all stub files, assuming that the stub size equals 4kb.
  • Files with undefined file group: The query lists all the files under a specified share that are not defined in the Data Insight file groups. You can analyze these files and update the file groups for better reporting of consumption patterns. Using the canned advanced query, you can narrow down the results to specific extensions.

The following template has been added to the Risk Analysis category:

  • Last accessed time range: This query lists all files that are accessed between the last 1 and 3 years.

The following new Permissions Management template is now available:

  • Box own folders:  This DQL query lists all box folders owned by a given user. It excludes all shared folders.

For more information on using DQL templates to create DQL reports, see the Veritas Data Insight 5.1 User’s Guide.

Updated 9 years ago
Version 2.0
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