2.- Introduction to Veritas InfoScale Plug-in for Docker
Updated 9 years ago
Version 2.0This is a quick introduction to the Veritas InfoScale solution for Containers. Here we present the InfoScale Storage Plug-in for Docker which is currently in preview mode. To get more information and influence in the design of future characteristics of the plug-in, please join our Veritas InfoScale Containers Group.
Great presentation! I am finding resources helpful posted at Veritas InfoScale Containers Group as well. One of them is 3.- Veritas InfoScale Storage & Docker Introduction White Paper in which it is mentioned that Docker version that integrates with the plug-in needs to be 1.8. Is the plug-in support enhanced with InfoScale 7.1 release?
Hi SeemaM,
We are providing incremental improvements to the plug-in. We would love to hear which are your needs so we can prioritize.
Best regards,