Forum Discussion

mc625569's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

BE 12.5 sharepoint 2007 agent- single site restore problems


We have be 12.5 with the sharepoint agent.
We have WSS 3.0 running on one server and sql 2008 running on another server.

One of our sites was accidentally deleted, and I tried to restore it by creating a restore job that
restored all the site content from the WSS_Content database. This worked, but the site is missing all the web parts which had a good deal of content,
and the wiki which was also a part of the site.

I assume this content comes from some other part of sharepoint, but I cannot figure out how to restore all of the content from this lost site without overwriting the entire SQL databases.

I was under the impression that a GRT restore included not just the content, but also the site configuration, and the HTML content that I had in the web parts.

I've read the admin guide, and done my most dilligent googling, but I can't find a good how to on how to restore ALL of the content for a single sharepoint site into a running farm.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


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