Forum Discussion

alpergun's avatar
14 years ago

Back up Exec 10 GFS Back Up

Hi, I'd like to get full back up Monday to Friday using GFS system. Monday to Thursday D1,D2,D3,D4 daily back up. Fridays Weekly back up W1,W2,W3,W4 M1 to M12 monthly back up. How can I do that?

2 Replies

  • Global File System (GFS) is a shared disk file system usually for linux clusters. If you are trying to backup these shared folders then you can install the ralus agent on the linux server and do the complete backup of the linux machine. I don't think you can backup these as cifs shares by adding in the user defined selection list.

    If you are trying to target the backup to GFS then you have to check if you are able to create the B2D folder on GFS. Usually we are able to create it on NAS and SAN but not sure if we can on GFS
  • GFS in this instance means Grandfather - Father - Son and not Global File System

    And yes we can do GFS using a policy

    Create a template in the policy for your daily jobs with an appropriate schedule (and possibly using an appropriate meda set)
    Create another Template for your weekly job  - again with an appropriate schedule and media set
    Create another Template for your Monthly job - again with an appropriate schedule and media set

    For the weekly and Mionthly jobs make sure you can either
    - schedule so the weeklies happen every week and the monthlies happen on a specific day of the month and then use a rule to say if both jobs try and start at the same time only run the monthly.
    - make the Weeklies be scheduled for every week other than the day of the month you want the monthly to run - and then schedule the monthly to run only on that day

    Once you have the policy created use it together with a selection list - that you will also need to create - to make your Backup Jobs