Forum Discussion

Steven_Regner's avatar
18 years ago

BackupExec 10d Applicaiton Error beserver.exe module ntdll.dll problem

I am driving myself nuts with this. Windows 2003, Backup Exec 10d, Tape library connected via Fiber channel. QLogic HBA's (there are 2 in this server). EMC powerpath for load balancing. BackupExec server stops with the following event in the event log:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Application Error
Event Category:(100)
Event ID:1000
Time:12:47:41 AM
Faulting application beserver.exe, version 10.1.5629.0, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.1830, fault address 0x0002fc3e.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 62 65 73 ure bes
0018: 65 72 76 65 72 2e 65 78 erver.ex
0020: 65 20 31 30 2e 31 2e 35 e 10.1.5
0028: 36 32 39 2e 30 20 69 6e 629.0 in
0030: 20 6e 74 64 6c 6c 2e 64 ntdll.d
0038: 6c 6c 20 35 2e 32 2e 33 ll 5.2.3
0040: 37 39 30 2e 31 38 33 30 790.1830
0048: 20 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73 at offs
0050: 65 74 20 30 30 30 32 66 et 0002f
0058: 63 33 65 c3e

(This error message is from a fresh install of BackupExec. No SP1, no hotfixes)

This happens all the time. I have tried everything I can find without luck. I have tried rebuilding the databases, re-installing the product, using veritas drivers for the tapelibrary, using OEM drivers for the TL, removing the old catalogs, updating the HBA's, windows updates, veritas updates, SP1 all hotfixes. Everything. Everthing that has been posted to the forum or to Google I have tried. To make matters worse, I have another media server that is connected to the same TL in a different partition, though the same fabric, using the same type of HBA's without an issue.

I have searched high and low for an answer and have come up with nothing. I was an existing 9.1 customer and am currently evaluating the 10d product because it was supposed to support our TL in a SAN FC fabric environment. I need help getting this working before the eval period is up otherwise I am going to be forced to look at other products to see if they work. I would rather stay with what I know. Is there anyone that has any new suggestions that I can try?!?!

7 Replies

  • Hello,

    -- Do you receive this error when you are backing up to tape?

    -- Are you backing up any Databases

    -- Do you receive any alerts?

    Thank You,

  • The backup Exec server service does not stay up long enough to get a backup of anything. I think the longest it has ever run on the server is about 40min.The service crashes all the time even when the application is sitting idle with nothing to do. The only alerts that are received are the noted event log entries. BE does not generate any alerts other then if you are in the application you get a message that communication with the server are down. If a job is running when the server crashes then the jobs shows up as failed and the job log is corrupted or unavailable. The only server that stops in the Backup Exec Server service. all other services stay running.
  • Hi,

    Have you tried a test backup to Backup to disk folder ??

    Have you also first checked the device compatibility on HCL ??

    Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
    Hope this will help you

    Thank you
  • Backup to disk fails, much like a tape backup, because the Backup Exec Server Service fails after it has been running for a few short moments. The service fails with the error that was given above. Again, I have another server that is running BE 10d without issues and is connected to the same library using the same Fiber Channel fabric that is running perfectly fine. Both servers are running Windows 2003 Server, both have the same HBA's, same level of windows patches. The only hardware difference is that one is a Dell PE 2600 and the other is a Dell PE 2850.
  • Hi,

    Could you confirm whether you checked the following:

    1)Whether Port Number 10000 is being used by beremote.exe
    2)Whether Port Number 3527 is being used by beserver.exe

    After a reboot or restarting the Backup Exec services, the Backup Exec Server Service fails to start with the following error: "An internal error (-14) occurred in object 10."

    Download and run TCPview .exe for the above checking:

    With what account are the Bakcup exec services started?
    Try starting all Backup Exec services with Local System Account...

  • These are the ports that are opened by Backup Exec:


    I tried running the services under the local system account. I could not get the Device service to start when it was a local system account. For grins and giggles I tried running the services under a different Domain Admin account but the server service still fails after 1-2 min. Right now, the only ports that seem to be open by BE is benetns.exe:6101, beremote.exe:10000, BkupExec.exe:2546. There is no process with a port open on the ports that you were looking for. Also, the local windows firewall on this server is turned off.
  • Hello,

    Try repairing the Backup Exec installation using the following technote

    Thank You,
