Forum Discussion

tniemuth's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Backups running slower

We are running Backup Exec 2012 on Server 2008 R2.  We backup to dedupe storage and then duplicate to tape.  Recently I noticed that my backups/duplicates are taking longer to run.  I finally had some time to graph this out and it looks like starting on 12/8/14 is when this first took place.  Below is a bar graph of my data transfer rates for my duplicate to tape jobs that show the reduced rate.



The only thing that I can correlate with that date is we did have a power outage and that server shutdown unexpectedly.  Since then the server/storage/tape library has been rebooted several times, I updated all drivers/firmware via the HP Service Pack disk, made sure I wasnt backing up more data, and don't see any errors that correlate.  Any idea why all of a sudden my job rate would drop off like that?

1 Reply

  • Hi,

    Try recreating the job and make sure that if there are any AV scans running the the Backup Exec processes are excluded.