Forum Discussion

Lukasz_Chomin's avatar
18 years ago

Cannot install Unix Agent on Solaris 10 x86

When I install Unix Agent 11.00.7170 on Solaris 10 x86 I always get an error that the current user is not running as root when I'm sure I runnig it from the root account. In the install log I have:
VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: SunOS
VxIF::Info:: Checking for 'root' user during install via: id | awk '{print }'.
VxIF::Info:: Results: uid=0(root) gid=0(root).
VxIF::Error:: ERROR (V-225-247): Exiting RALUS Installer due to Non 'root' user.

It looks like the root is not a root.

I've looked for this error through Internet but no results.
How to solve this?
Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

  • Can you please check whether the root user is a member of the root group
  • Yes, I'm sure it is. This is extraction from /etc/passwd:
    and /etc/group:
    This information is also in installation log of the Agent:
    VxIF::Info:: Results: uid=0(root) gid=0(root).
    It looks like there is a bug in the installation script. But I have no idea how to manage it. Have you any other ideas?