Forum Discussion

Future5's avatar
Level 4
18 years ago

Change Job Log Store Directory on Hard Disk

Is it possible to change the directory which BE uses to store the job logs?

By default it is storing them under "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data".

This is causing problems, as we like to keep many logs as historic data, but the C drive does not have sufficient space.

We would like to have Veritas automatically store them under the D drive which has several hundred GB free.

7 Replies

  • Hi,

    As replied earliar,no such option is there in current version of BE .

    revert for any further Query

    Thank you
  • Hi,

    Currently the option to change the location of the job logs is not available.

    You may log an enhancement request with our Engineering team so that this may be considered in future releases.

    However you can perform the following steps:
    Under Tools:>Options:>Job Logs under Job Defaults and select the "Summary information only" under Information to include in the log.

  • As Shilpa says there is no way to do it, however you might want to keep an eye on this thread

    which is discussing the exact same thing, in case anyone manages to think of a successful work around.

    Alternatively, since the logs are just xml files, why don't you periodically archive the old ones to another location to clear space from your c:\. Not as tidy admittedly, but at least it'll allow you to keep the logs without running out of space.

  • Your only option is probably to uninstall and reinstall BackupExec to the desired drive.

    See Be sure to see the "Do Not Use If" at the top of the TechNote
  • Hi Keith,

    Please note that there is no option available in the current version of BEWS to

    move the location of job logs.

  • I have hacked the registry so all NEW job logs are redirected to the drive of my choice.

    Can't do much about the old logs (other than manually move them and access them in explorer as needed).

    I guess BE is saving in th edatabase somewhere the path to each individual log. If I knew where this was I coul dhack the DB as well to update the path to each old log file.