Forum Discussion

Chris_Mitsiniko's avatar
18 years ago

Invalid IDR Key error when restoring server using Evaluation copy of BE10.d

I have been running an eval of BE 10.d which ran out 3 days ago. I was able to get EVExtend.exe to extend my evaluation. Now for my problem, I made a backup of a Windows 2003 server and used the IDR wizard to create a recovery CD. I am restoring to the exact same system. I am able to boot from the CD get into IDR, reload windows from the CD and get to the IDR recovery wizard. I select automated recovery the correct data set is chosen but then I am prompted for a valid IDR serial number. It says it is unable to detect a valid IDR serial number. I don't know where to find this number or if it even exists in the eval. But it is throwing a wrench in my testing. What key do I put in, where do I find it or is there an alternate method to complete the restore. I have tried manual and the assisted restore as well with the same issue.

Servers are running win2k3, I am using an exabyte vxa 172 tape loader drive. I have two nics in each device. There are two networks running. Our main one and a backup network. All nics show the correct IPs for the network they are on.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    You would need to get a valid serial number and install it on the server. After making the copy of backup Exec a licensed one, you would need to recreate the IDR Media!

    Hope it helps!
