Forum Discussion

Vishal_Dutta's avatar
20 years ago

Media size showing incorrectly

Hello, Im running bkexec on win2000 using HP Super DLTape data cartridge C7980A...supposed to be 220-320gig assuming 2:1 compression. So the capacity would be determined by my drive(Quantum Value loader) in bkupexec I see that each tape shows me total size of 120g-140g max. Any idea why..Currently compression is set to NONE..I guess a compression lesson is in order as well. TIA

4 Replies

  • Ken Ive got a Quantum Valueloader
  • Hello,

    1. Are you talking about the used capacity, available capacity or total capacity?

    2. If you have not checked these porperties also please check and write these to us.

    3. Is your tape capacity 120/220?

    4. Also please check if your tape supports hardware compression and if so whether it is turned on in the tape properties.

    5. Please tell us the data written to tape in case of no-compression and in case of hardware compression with the same set of data.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.
  • As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.