Forum Discussion

Gord_Armstrong's avatar
20 years ago

OFO: Snapshot error (0xfffffe1f): The device cannot be found

Hello to all...

Ok, so here we go...

I have a client with multiple Windows 2003 servers being backed up by BE 9.1.4691 sp1 and a number of hotfixes. The media server is w2k3.

On one of the servers being backed up via remote agent, i've started to receive

OFO: Snapshot error (0xfffffe1f): The device cannot be found

on all of the volumes on that server when BE goes to use the AOFO on that box.

In the job setups i'm using "Automatically select Open File Technology"

I've rebooted the box, stopped/restarted the remote agent, removed and reinstalled the remote agent and aofo option but still i get this error.

I've seen a couple of references to this message but they are limited to backup of remote admin shares, or user defined shares which i am not doing.

if anyone can shed some light on this, that would be much appreciated.



7 Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your question. To resolve this issue please check whether AOFO is installed on the server.

    Following technote will help you to identify the existence of AOFO on remote server.

    If AOFO is not installed then refer to the following technote to install the AOFO on remote server.

    We would also suggest you to refer to the following technoteĆ¢€™s for troubleshooting this issue.

    We hope this information helps, if you have any other questions please respond to the post and we will be more than happy to assist you further.
  • Thanks for the reply...

    The AOFO is present on the remote server in question. Backing up the system state on this box was working fine for about 6 months, then suddenly has gone off track.

    I checked out the techdocs you mentioned, but i'm not sure if anything in those is relevant. I am currently trying the setting where the minimum quiet time is reduced.

    I'm just wondering if it's a MS patch that might have screwed up something with Shadow Copy on that box?

    In any case, if anyone has any other ideas, thoughts, comments, please feel free to mention them.


  • Hello,

    I would like to know if you have tried the technotes given. If not then please try and if its not helping then please send the exact error message.


    NOTE: If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.