Forum Discussion

B_H's avatar
17 years ago

Other error 800706bf BackupExec 11d

Our daily backup has just shown as "failed" with the error details:
Error category    : Other Errors
Error : 800706bf - 0x800706bf (2147944127)
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-32775-1727
Looking at the details, all the parts of the backup are showing as complete although one Exchange storage group shows 0 bytes (should be 4Gb) and the tape was ejected as usual. 
Apart from the error message it is rather worrying that the job could skip an entire Exchange store without highlighting that fact.
The previous backup ran as usual and nothing was changed on the server between backup jobs.
The knowledge base article linked to above doesn't really seem to match the situation and in any case the solution offered requires a component to uninstalled and reinstalled with a server reboot in between. 
Clearly this is not practical on an operational Exchange server (it would be the third restart this week due to backup issues)
I've re-run the backup job manually and it worked fine.
Does anyone have any idea whether this another random error generated by BackupExec or whether there is an actual problem?
Thanks for your help.

1 Reply

  • hi,

    It is recomended to have the latest service pack installed on the backup server.
    It fixes many of the problems, the link is Backup Exec 11d 7170 service pack 2 . Now if you are using AOFO with the exchange job then you should not use it,
    as backup jobs with AOFO enabled  must  not be run with any application( Exchange, SQL etc.) specific backup job. ALso if you use AOFO then choose
    Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service for Windows 2003 and XP.

    In case the SP2 is installed then there is hotfix for this issue

    Try this and do let me know.