Forum Discussion

Arun_Wilkinson's avatar
20 years ago

Replace the exchange server with new hardware

Hi :
Currently I am running Backup Exec 10 with exchange agent and Intelligent Disaster Recovery option. I do updates my IDR disks everyday. I have windows 2000 Advance server that is hosting exchange 2000 server. I want to move my windows 2000 and exchange server to new hardware.
We have purchase new server and I want to do IDR, my question is will that work????? because of new hardware? or else what else I have to do ...Help pls.Message was edited by:
Arun Wilkinson

2 Replies

  • Personally I wouldn't even consider IDR to new hardware, that's not what it's designed for. It's not that IDR won't do it, but Windows is unlikely to boot if it doesn't recognise the hardware it's on. Even if you're lucky and it boots, that's not a server I'd want to be placing any faith in.

    I've just done an exchange upgrade here and for E2k, it's actually pretty straightfoward. Microsoft have tons of docs on it, the best I found was:;en-us;297289

    I did the upgrade two weeks ago, went very smoothly and took about 3 hours for the actual upgrade. We haven't had a single problem since.

    The essential procedure is:
    - Prepare the new server (Windows 2000, patches, etc).
    - On the day of the upgrade, take the old server offline.
    - Copy the database & log files to the new server (same drive letters & locations are essential, you can move them later).
    - Rename the old server or remove it from the domain.
    - Give the new server the same name as the old one.
    - Follow instructions to re-install exchange & bring online.
    - Create new IDR backup.
    - Job done, head to pub :-)

    If you need to use different paths for the data files, you can move them very easily later on (again, the MS knowledgebase should help).

  • Hello,

    It is not recommended to do IDR with another hardware configuration please check the technote below for more information on this:

    You may refer to the following URL for more information:


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.Message was edited by:
    Sharvari Deshmukh